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Success for RAF Air Cadets at the Inter Service Cadet Rifle Meeting

The 2024 Inter Service Cadet Rifle Meeting (ISCRM) again proved very successful for the RAF Air Cadets, with air cadets taking home 10 out of 14 of the cadet trophies, and also winning the adult competition.

The ISCRM is a national target shooting competition for units of the Sea Cadet Corps, Volunteer Cadet Corps, Army Cadet Force and RAF Air Cadets held at the National Rifle Association ranges at Bisley, Surrey every July.  

Special mention should go to Cpl Farrow (30F (City of Llandaff) Sqn) who won the Bossom Trophy for the top overall individual at the meeting, and 30F (City of Llandaff) Sqn who were the Champion unit. The RAF Air Cadets also achieved victory in the Inter-Cadet Force Final, with the RAF Air Cadets A team winning and the RAF Air Cadets B team finishing second.

RAF Air Cadet Winners
The RAF Air Cadets winners at ISCRM 

Other notable achievements included Trent Wing winning the inaugural competition for a team coached by a cadet throughout the meeting, and South & West Yorkshire Wing achieving their first “Cadet 100” badges in 20 years. Overall, the RAF Air Cadets won 43 of the 75 “Cadet 100” badges awarded (reduced from 100 due to the number of teams competing. There were 37 Teams from the RAF Air Cadets, competing against 17 from the Army Cadet Force, and 19 from the Sea Cadet Corps.

Every team attending showed dedication and put in a lot of hard work to prepare for the meeting. They are congratulated on their successes, and the fantastic results that were achieved. A summary of the RAF Air Cadets related results are found below:


Cadet Coached Match

1st Place, 30F  (City of Llandaff) Sqn

3rd Place, 1344 (Cardiff) Sqn


Individual 300 Yards Match

1st Place, Sgt A Lerwill - 30F (City of Llandaff) Sqn

2nd Place, Sgt K Selvarajah - 241 (Wanstead & Woodford) Sqn

3rd Place, Sgt R Barrett - South & West Yorkshire Wing


Individual 600 Yards Match

2nd Place, Sgt A Green - 1344 (Cardiff) Sqn

3rd Place, Sgt H Pearce - Durham & Northumberland Wing


Patriotic Shield 300 Yards Match

1st Place, Cdt FS S Cooper - 1344 (Cardiff) Sqn

2nd Place, FS E Woodhead - South & West Yorkshire Wing

3rd Place, Sgt F Tuffrey - South & West Yorkshire Wing


Patriotic Shield 600 Yards Match

2nd Place, Cpl M Zmarlak - 1083 (Uxbridge) Sqn

3rd Place, Sgt C Doherty - 2077 (Pontyclun) Sqn


Frankfort Shield 300 & 500 Yards Match

3rd Place, 30F (City of Llandaff) Sqn


Adult Competition

1st Place, CI A Sadler - 241 (Wanstead & Woodford) Sqn

2nd Place, Sgt S Glanville - 2419 (Quedgeley) Sqn

3rd Place, Flt H Golaszewski - 1344 (Cardiff) Sqn


The Cadet 100 Competition

(Aggregate in the Individual 300 & 600, Patriotic 300 & 500 & Frankfort 300 & 500)

2nd Place, Sgt K Selvarajah - 241 (Wanstead & Woodford) Sqn

3rd Place, Cpl S Farrow - 30F (City of Llandaff) Sqn


The Somerset Match

(Top individual in the Inter-Force Final)

1st Place, Sgt T Diaz - 2419 (Quedgeley) Sqn

3rd Place, Cpl P ABRAM - 1297 (Stonehaven) Sqn


Bossom Trophy (Top overall individual)

(Aggregate of Ind 300 & 600, Frank 300 & 500 Pat 300 & 500 & Watts 600.)

1st Place, Cpl S Farrow - 30F (City of Llandaff) Sqn

2nd Place, Sgt K Selvarajah - 241 (Wanstead & Woodford) Sqn


Highest Team Aggregate coached by a cadet (New competition this year)

1st Place, Trent Wing

2nd Place, 14F (Northolt) Sqn


Champion Unit

1st Place, 30F (City of Llandaff) Sqn


Babcock Trophy Team

(Long range aggregate of Ind 600, Pat 500 & Frank 500)

1st Place, 30F (City of Llandaff) Sqn

2nd Place, 1344 (Cardiff) Sqn


Inter Cadet Force Final

1st Place, Royal Air Force Air Cadets Team A

2nd Place, Royal Air Force Air Cadets Team B

Related Squadrons

30F (City of Llandaff)