Squadron Leader Tim Heyworth is the Contingent Commander for the Stamford Endowed Schools Combined Cadet Force (CCF). He is a former RAF Regiment Officer and served in the RAF for 27 years. After leaving the RAF, Tim volunteered for the RAF section at his children’s school and has been there for eight years working his way through the ranks to his current position.
He takes an active part in the cadets’ summer camps, adventure training residentials and range weekends. At the Stamford Endowed Schools, Sqn Ldr Heyworth oversees 280 cadets across all three services and says his RAF service background has been invaluable to him during his time with the cadets.
My highlight
My main highlight came when we ran a residential course in August 2021, immediately after the lifting of restrictions on residential activities. We went to the Cadet Training Centre at Inskip. The reason it stands out so strongly is that it was the first time we’d been away with cadets for 20 months because of Covid19.
The positive effect it had on our cadets was immeasurable in terms of well-being, getting out of isolation and just being able to be a young person again. During that week the cadets participated in mountain biking, canyoning, shooting and chilling out. It was great to see the huge smiles and that was all brought about by membership of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets.
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