The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) are delighted to announce the appointment of Squadron Leader Alastair Luckins, who joins the team as a volunteer fighter pilot for the next five years.
Sqn Ldr Al Luckins joined the RAF in 2004, having graduated from Durham University. On completion of his fast jet flying training, in 2009 he joined 1(F) Sqn flying the Harrier GR9 from RAF Cottesmore, where he conducted flying operations from both land and aboard HMS Ark Royal. After the Harrier disbandment, Al was posted to IV(R) Sqn at RAF Valley to begin instructional duties on the Hawk T2. Finishing the tour as an A2 instructor, Al then joined the Typhoon and 3(F) Sqn in 2015. After a full tour with 3(F), and a brief ground appointment, Al served as a Flight Commander on II(AC) Sqn at RAF Lossiemouth and is now flying Typhoon on 41 Sqn. During his frontline duties he has deployed on numerous occasions, participated in multiple overseas and UK Exercises and deployed in support of NATO in eastern Europe.
Sqn Ldr Luckins has now embarked on his training with the BBMF, marking a significant milestone by completing his first solo flight in Chipmunk WK518 on Friday, December 6th. Reflecting on his new role with the BBMF, Al shared his excitement, saying:
“It is a great privilege to join BBMF and I’m excited to work with such an excellent team of people who work tirelessly to ensure these iconic aircraft continue to inspire. Being lucky enough to fly them is a childhood dream come true.”
The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight team are proud to welcome Sqn Ldr Luckins and look forward to his contribution in showcasing the legacy of these historic aircraft.