RAF Musicians Return Home for Belfast Tattoo

The Band of the RAF College Cranwell played at the Belfast Tattoo on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd September, bringing 5 members back to perform on their home soil.

Squadron Leader Murray, Warrant Officer Scullion, Corporal Hunter, Corporal Lutton and Air Specialist (Class 1) Rollston, who perform all over the world with the band, proudly returned to represent the RAF at this year's Belfast Tattoo.

Sqn Ldr Murray, originally from Carrickfergus, is currently the band's Senior Director of Music and has been in the RAF for 26 years. He began as a flute player but is now responsible for coordinating and delivering the musical elements for the RAF, including the parts where they play with the other acts.

“If it were not for the support and encouragement of family and the musical education system in Northern Ireland, I would never have had the opportunity to be here. I am hugely proud to perform at home with the phenomenal musicians of RAF Music and the Band of the RAF College.”

Squadron Leader Murray,
Senior Director of Music

A 5 piece from the band also performed at an engagement event before the show on Friday, hosted by Air Officer Northern Ireland, Air Marshall Sean Reynolds, which brought together stakeholders from across government and key industries. The event was also attended by the RAF Air and Space Commander, Air Marshal Harvey Smyth, another Northern Irish man.

"We are delighted that we were joined by so many people from across Northern Ireland as we continue to evolve our themes of partnership and prosperity. We could not do what we do in promoting security and stability around the world without the magnificent support that we get from this amazing country."

Air Marshall Reynolds,
Air Officer Northern Ireland

As well as the performance from the band, the engagement event was marked by a flypast across Belfast harbour from a typhoon jet.