3 Field Communications Squadron falls under Tactical Communications Wing of the Support Force. They provide the backbone needed to enable digital support for global Air operations, while enabling information and communications across all the Support Force services. 

The Squadron is ready for short and quick response, as well as for longer-term deployment. UK based personnel are also at the Air Cyber and Information Services Operating Centre, to deliver Defensive Cyber Operations.




No. 3 FC Squadron provides the Royal Air Force and the Join community with the communications and information systems required to enable deployed operations. The FC Squadrons enable the full range of Air's functions including Command and Control, Combat Air, ISTAR, Full Spectrum Effects, Air Mobility, Engineering, and Medical services. The degree of support ranges from deployed Air Headquarters through to fully Deployed Operating Bases.

No.3 FC Squadron's mission is to provide Force Elements at Readiness to allow 90SU to meet its mission.