General Support Squadron with a variety of personnel to support defence at home and overseas. The squadron was reformed in Cardiff after a 57 year absence to provide a hub for reservists in the region. Recruits from South Wales and the surrounding area.

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1937   Formed as an army cooperation squadron.

1939 - 1945   Operated in a variety of roles in the UK and the Mediterranean, including bombing, pathfinding and dropping supplies to partisans in the Balkans.

1946 - 1957   Re-formed as a fighter unit flying Spitfires and DeHavilland Vampires.

2014   The Squadron was reformed as part of future reserves 2020 in Cardiff as a General Support Squadron.


1940 - 1941   North Sea

1942   Dieppe Raid

1942 - 1943   North Africa

1943   Mediterranean

1943   Sicily

1943 - 1945   South East Europe

1943 - 1945   Italy