Airfield Information

Grob Tutor aircraft regularly fly throughout the week.

MOD St Athan airfield operates Monday to Sunday, 9am to 5pm. However the airfield is in use 24 hours a day by the emergency services and operational aircraft.  

All visitors to the airfield are subject to 24 hours a day Prior Permission Only (PPO) and are to book movements through Air Traffic Control.

All visitors are to be familiar with the Defence Aerodrome Manual (DAM), which details flying information for the airfield.

Contact Air Traffic Control:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01446 798717

Complain About Low Flying

Complaints regarding military aircraft are to be forwarded to the Low Flying Complaints Call (LFCC) at RAF Wittering.

Complaints regarding civilian aircraft contact the Civil Aviation Authority.

Drone Flying

Operators flying drones near any military airfield must ensure they are aware of the UK policy for their safe operation. The Drone Code forms part of the Civil Aviation Authority's advice and guidance to drone operators.


The InForm is the MAA approved method for capturing and reporting any Air, Health & Safety, Quality or Organisational errors, observations, risks or hazards.  For further information on safety reporting contact the Site Flight Safety Officer on 014460 798394 or [email protected]

Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Reporting Form

Foreign Object Debris (FOD) is any material, originating from any source, that could present a significant risk to Air Safety.  In the event that FOD is seen on or in the vicinity of the airfield it is to be reported to Air Traffic Control immediately and a FOD Form is to be forwarded to the Site Flight Safety Officer or [email protected].

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