Low flying
Low flying is an essential skill for aircrew and must be practised in order to fulfil the tasks demanded by current operations.
Our latest flying programme is available weekly.
Flying complaints
If you wish to make a complaint about activity within 5 miles of RAF Benson, contact the Low Flying Complaints Line:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01491 837766 x5218
If you wish to make a complaint about activity outside 5 miles of RAF Benson, contact the Ministry of Defence Low Flying Complaints and Enquiries team:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01780 417558
It is available from Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. Outside these hours an answerphone service is provided.
Drone Flying
RAF Benson is surround by a Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ); it is illegal to operate a drone without express permission from the Aerodrome Operator. The FRZ is designed to protect the operational output of the Station, Thames Valley Air Ambulance (TVAA) & National Police Air Service (NPAS) by ensuring our aircraft are not compromised by unregulated drone activity.
Operators flying drones near any military airfield must ensure they are aware of the UK policy for their safe operation and may be required to request permission from the airfield. The Drone Code forms part of the Civil Aviation Authority's advice and guidance to drone operators which can be found on their website.
RAF Benson requires a minimum of five working days to process drone requests, additionally we request that the periods of booking do not exceed 1 hour where possible to reduce the impact on operational output.
To request permission to operate a drone near RAF Benson:
Please email [email protected] include date, times, contact details and location of proposed drone flight (please use lat & long. UK Grid reference Finder).
The Duty Operations Controller will then email across a Request Form and Risk Assessment for the drone operate to complete and digital sign.
Periods of drone operations are negotiable via the stations Duty Operations Controller, however, are wholly dependent on station operations.
For more information on drones please follow the link below to the National Air Traffic Services (NATS) page, where you can find an interactive map of all UK FRZ. NATS UK | UAS Restriction Zones
Night flying
Night flying takes place all year round, usually from Monday to Thursday, and can be authorised until 3am to allow crews to conduct essential training. Our flying programme gives the latest times we expect aircraft to by flying on a weekly basis.
Viewing area
There is no official viewing area for the safe viewing of aircraft at RAF Benson.
Defence Aerodrome Manual
The Defence Aerodrome Manual (DAM) contains accurate aerodrome data for RAF Benson. All airfield users, both military and civilian, are to ensure they are familiar with the relevant sections of the DAM prior to operating at RAF Benson. For further information regarding the DAM and its contents, please contact Station Operations on 01491 827015.
All visiting aircraft, military or civilian, requesting use of RAF Benson airfield are to contact the RAF Benson Duty Operations Controller on 01491 827015. 48 Hr PPR required for civilian and military aircraft.
Get updates about flying
Information on unusual flying activity or night flying that will be taking place in the following week will be available on the RAF Benson Facebook page and Twitter account.