Universities of Wales Air Squadron


UWAS is a mid-size University Air Squadron with a strength of 60 students and 8 staff. Around 25 students are recruited each year from our catchment-area academic establishments.

The squadron’s Flying Headquarters (FHQ) is co-located with its Town Headquarters (THQ) at MOD St Athan, near Barry to the SW of Cardiff. UWAS includes 1 Air Experience Flight (1 AEF) who fly the same aircraft under a mainly cadet flying task.

Weekly training

Weekly training nights take place on Tuesday evenings during term time at the squadron's Town Headquarters (THQ) including a range of talks from guest presenters as well as drill, sport and other developmental activities.

The squadron also carries out Easter and Summer camps to provide force development and leadership training, as well as fostering students' knowledge of the RAF and providing career research opportunities.

Flying camps also offer periods of consolidated flying training on Grob Tutor aircraft with Qualified Flying Instructors.

UWAS also holds a large calendar of social events throughout the year, including both formal and informal occasions.


1963  UWAS formed at (the then) RAF St Athan.

1974  Squadron converted from Chipmunk to Bulldog Aircraft.

1995  1 Air Experience Flight (1 AEF) moves to MOD St Athan and merges with UWAS.

2000  Squadron converted from Bulldog to Tutor Aircraft.

2003  University Air Squadrons started to take some Direct Entry RAF trainees but this stopped in Sep 2005.

2015  UWAS moves under the 6 Flying Training School umbrella along with all other UASs.

Contact details

University of Wales Air Squadron, MOD St Athan, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, CF62 4WA

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01446 798790


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