Community & Support News

Older personnel leaving the Service

The Centre for Research into the Older Workforce (CROW) is conducting a study on the experiences of older military Service people of all ranks transitioning to civilian work at or after the age of 50.

The research has a favourable opinion from the MOD Research Ethics Committee, and the support of TESSR. It is being funded by Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT), managed by the Officers’ Association and carried out by the Centre.  Professor Matt Flynn of CROW is the Principal Investigator.

This research aims to understand the transition challenges, barriers and impact of Service leavers aged 50 and above from the perspective of Service leavers as well as employers. The project will take a cross-Service approach looking at the Royal Navy, the Army, and Royal Air Force, and will cover all ranks. The research objectives are to:

Understand the perception of Service leavers regarding the barriers and challenges to 50+ transitions Understand employers’ perception and motivations regarding recruiting 50+ Service leavers and the benefits and challenges they bring to their organisations

Identify the gap in perceptions between Service leavers and employers regarding 50+ transition and recruitment

Identify specific support needed by both Service leavers and employers in 50+ transition and recruitment

Explore the differences in the challenges experienced by 50+ Service leavers in comparison with the general civilian population

Explore the differences in challenges experienced by Service leavers, aged 50+ as compared to the challenges that Service leavers experience in general.

The research is being carried out with two subject groups:

Service people who are currently transitioning out of the military and expect to have fully left at or after the age 50 (Because the transition period is normally two years, participants can be as young as 48 as long as their final exit occurs on or after their 50th birthday.)

The below poster has further information and help for people who have completely left military service and had transitioned out after the age of 50.