The RAF Air Cadets offer young people exciting opportunities for personal and professional development. We’re an inclusive organisation that cares about helping young people reach their potential. Every year nearly 43,000 air cadets and 10,000 volunteer staff take part in exciting events at over 1,000 squadrons across the UK.

What we do

From cyber and space to sports, flying and adventure training - being a cadet means trying new things in a safe environment, making friends along the way and gaining skills for life.

Read more about our activities

Our history

The story of the RAF Air Cadets started long ago when we were formed as part of the main RAF to supply better-trained and experienced personnel during times of war. It has since evolved into the largest air cadet organisation in the world.

Read more about our history

Our people

Our cadets and adult volunteers all have their own stories and highlights from being part o the Air Cadets, either in the past or currently.

Meet some of our Cadets and Volunteers

Join the Air Cadets

Ready to start your own journey with the Air Cadets? Find your local squadron and get in touch to find out more about what they offer and how you can get involved.

Find your local squadron

Pilot and Air Cadet in a glider mid-air