Falcons Display Team News

RAF Falcons Delight Crowds at the Midlands Air Festival

In the stunning sun-drenched grounds of Ragley Hall Estate, Alcester, the RAF Falcons, the UK’s premier military parachute display team, delighted the crowd with their spectacular display.


Over the three-day festival, the RAF Falcons took to the skies to showcase their display to a packed-out showground.

In the stunning sun-drenched grounds of Ragley Hall Estate, Alcester, the RAF Falcons, the UK’s premier military parachute display team, delighted the crowd with their spectacular display.

In the crowd was the family of first year parachutist Sergeant Greg Ashelby (AKA Falcon 6) who, for the very first time, saw Greg in his role as an RAF Falcon.

In the stunning sun-drenched grounds of Ragley Hall Estate, Alcester, the RAF Falcons, the UK’s premier military parachute display team, delighted the crowd with their spectacular display.

Sergeant Ashelby’s mum Linda Skelding said:

“It was a pleasure and a privilege to see, for the first time, Greg jump as an RAF Falcon. This amazing incredible and skilful team delivered a spectacular display which wowed the crowds. We can’t wait to replicate the feeling of excitement and overwhelming pride when we see Greg and the team jump again soon.”

Linda Skelding
Mother of Sergeant Ashelby

Both unique and flexible, the team displayed, The Heart, Criss-Cross Carousel, Snakes and Ducks, which requires hard work, a high level of skill and, most importantly, trust in the other team members and their equipment.

In the stunning sun-drenched grounds of Ragley Hall Estate, Alcester, the RAF Falcons, the UK’s premier military parachute display team, delighted the crowd with their spectacular display.

The RAF Falcons will be displaying throughout the summer and into the autumn at different events both in the UK and overseas – keep your eyes to the skies, you never know when you may just catch a glimpse of the UK’s Premier Military Parachute Display Team.

In the stunning sun-drenched grounds of Ragley Hall Estate, Alcester, the RAF Falcons, the UK’s premier military parachute display team, delighted the crowd with their spectacular display.

You can keep up-to-date with all the RAF Falcons news by following them on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram and by visiting www.raf.mod.uk/display-teams/falcons/

We look forward to seeing you at our displays throughout 2023.

Keep your eyes to the skies for the red, white and blue canopies of the RAF Falcons.

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