Episode 34: Exercise RED FLAG - A Fighter Pilots view
The RAF worked with the United States Air Force and the Royal Australian Air Force in an intense training programme that involved complex Combat Air Operations. The aim of Exercise RED FLAG is to prepare RAF aviators for operations against aggressors in air, space, and cyber domains.
Hear from an RAF Typhoon pilot on his first RED FLAG and one of the experienced United States Air Force ‘aggressor’ pilots he is against. Discover what taking part in a large-scale exercise is like, what challenges night flying presents, and how our different air forces can learn from each other.
Exercise RED FLAG maximises the combat readiness, capability and survivability of participating units. Held at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, USA, the Exercise is now a regular event for the Royal Air Force.
Listen to more on InsideAIR podcast.
Read more about being an RAF Pilot.