Environmental Policy and Considerations

Each year, RAF Brize Norton carries approximately 132,000 passengers and 25,134 metric tonnes of freight, during aircraft movements carried out 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. As the main Airport of Embarkation, the subsequent size and scale of operations has the potential to disturb people and as a result the Station continues to work very hard to ensure that the impact of our operations is minimised, particularly at night.

Our Policy

Our environmental policy commits us to:

  • Develop a noise management procedure to influence the operation of aircraft, with the aim of minimising, where possible, noise generation and the over-flying of populated areas.
  • Seek to minimise the impact of noise from all aspects of the operation of aircraft and the airbase.

Major Accident Emergency Instructions

In common with many Ministry of Defence establishments and to support national defence activities, RAF Brize Norton continues to store substances classified as hazardous (such as fuel and explosives). We have teams of highly trained professionals who are experienced in handling these substances who operate under very stringent laws and regulations relevant to our operations. The installations where hazardous substances are stored and handled, are licensed under strict International, National and Ministry of Defence standards set by expert groups and overseen by independent authorities. Rigorous inspections and frequent audits ensure safety standards are not only maintained but continuously reviewed and improved.

Read the full Letter to Local Residents, from the RAF Brize Norton Station Commander.

View the Emergency Instruction Leaflet

The 25m Range

RAF Brize Norton is home to 5800 active Service Personnel, approximately a fifth of the regular Royal Air Force.

All serving personnel are part of the structure who provide the capability needed to ensure; the security and defence of the United Kingdom and its territories and to support the Government’s foreign policy objectives, particularly in promoting international peace and security.

In order to maintain a fit, qualified and capable workforce, there are mandated training packages that all personnel have to complete annually, including qualifying to fire small arms. To meet this commitment, the 25 metre range at RAF Brize Norton can have up to 25 people per day (week days) firing on it to qualify.

RAF Brize Norton has been working very hard to reduce the amount of times the range is utilised in order to ensure the impact of our training is minimised, particularly at night and over the weekends.

The 25 Metre Range will be in use as follows:

Please note that dates and times are subject to change, should we be required to use the range at short notice.

Week Commencing 01 Jul:

Mon 01: Not in use
Tue 02: 0800-1700
Wed 03: 0800-1600
Thu 04: 0800-1700 as req'd
Fri 05: 0800-1700
Sat 06: Not in use
Sun 07: Not in use

Week Commencing 08 Jul:

Mon 08: Not in use
Tue 09: Not in use
Wed 10: Not in use
Thu 11:0800-1700 as req'd
Fri 12:0800-1700 as req'd
Sat 13: 0800-1700 as req'd
Sun 14: Not in use