Media enquiries

Contact the Media and Communications Officers:

Email: [email protected]

Call us

01400 26 1201

For general enquiries please contact this switchboard number.

Find us

RAF Cranwell, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 8HB.

Council: North Kesteven District Council

When you arrive

You must report to the Main Guardroom on arrival. If you are driving, park in the visitor car park behind the Main Guardroom.

You must bring photographic ID with you, e.g. driving licence or passport. If you are part of a group, you all need to bring photographic ID.

The member of staff who invited you to RAF Cranwell should meet you at the Main Guardroom.

Tourist attractions

RAF College Tours

RAF College Hall Officers’ Mess tours are by appointment only.

To enquire about a tour, please email [email protected]

RAF College Heritage

To enquire about RAF College Cranwell Heritage, please email [email protected]

Emergency contact

In an emergency contact the Main Guardroom.

Guardroom phone: 01400 267232

For more help, or for those serving abroad on Operations or Exercise, visit the What to do in a family emergency guide.

Work experience

Unfortunately RAF Cranwell does not offer work experience placements.

School visits

RAF College Hall Officers' Mess School Workshops

All workshops are by prior arrangement only.

To enquire about a School Workshop, please email [email protected]

RAF Youth Engagement Team

To find out more visit the RAF Youth STEM website.

Or look at Inspiring STEM Careers for resources, opportunities, news, events and more! 

Air Cadets

The Headquarters for the RAF Air Cadets is located at RAF Cranwell.