RAF Halton News


Congratulations to the recruits from Campion Intake 717 who recently graduated from the Basic Recruit Training Course at RAF Halton.

 The Reviewing Officer Group Captain Melmoth, Commandant of Central Training School and Head of the Training Specialisation, observed as 77 recruits marched onto the Henderson Parade Square behind their Flight Commander, Flight Lieutenant Gale.

After the parade Group Captain Melmoth said:

“It was an absolute honour and privilege to welcome recruits from Campion Intake 717 into the Royal Air Force today as their Reviewing Officer. The instructors have done a tremendous job of preparing the Recruits for their parade and the Central Band of the RAF Music played magnificently. My highlight was meeting some of the families and friends who had made the journey down to RAF Halton from far and wide - a momentous day for all concerned.”


Good luck in your Royal Air Force careers.

Our thanks to the No. 45 Squadron, RAF Cranwell, for the Phenom flypast.

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