About the Envoy IV CC1


Two new-production Dassault 900LX aircraft, known as Envoy IV CC Mk1 in RAF service, were purchased to replace the BAe146 which went out of service in March 2022. The primary role of the Envoy is Command Support Air Transport (CSAT), providing assured, secure, timely and discreet Air Transport of high priority military personnel and small items of mission critical freight to, from and within operational areas.

The Envoy aircraft transport key military and diplomatic personnel around the world quicker and more efficiently than before. They can fly further, faster, and more sustainably than the aircraft they have replaced. This ability will strengthen diplomatic and economic ties, which will in turn increase regional and national stability. It also facilitates regular and timely global engagement in-line with the UKs International Defence Engagement Strategy.

The RAF will fly the aircraft alongside pilots from our industry partner, Centreline AV Ltd, a specialist business jet service provider based at Bristol Airport.


A recapitalised CSAT fleet, based on a modern and efficient medium sized business aircraft, will reduce carbon emissions compared to delivering CSAT with previous fleet of BAe 146 aircraft or re-purposing larger aircraft. High quality synthetic training facilities will minimise the requirement for live training sorties and the associated carbon emissions.

Type History

The 2021 Integrated Review committed to retire the CSAT fleet of four BAe146 aircraft and provided funding for two Dassault 900LX Falcon aircraft. The pair of aircraft are military owned and tasked, civilian registered, and commercially operated, utilising a mixed crew of military and civilian pilots and military cabin crew from 1 June 2022; with a transition to fully military registered and operated service in due course.

The Envoy name reflects the role of the aircraft in defence diplomacy and relationship building and is a nod to previous Envoy aircraft in RAF service. The original Envoy aircraft in RAF service was the Airspeed Envoy, first flown in 1934. It was a twin-engine light transport aircraft, used by the RAF across Marks I, II (as the Oxford) and III, before and during World War 2 in the communications role; one of which served with the ‘Kings Flight’, the precursor to today’s No 32 (The Royal) Squadron.

Based at

Flying with


  • Powerplant: three 5,000lb Honeywell TFE731-60 turbofan engines
  • Length overall: 66ft 4in (20.21m)
  • Wingspan: 70 ft 2 in (21.38m)
  • Range: with 8 people it can fly 4750m or 8800 km without refuelling
  • Payload: 14 passengers