Below is a full online index of articles published in Air and Space Power Review, as well as its predecessor Air Power Review. The list may be searched using browser search functionality (typically Ctrl+F or Cmd+F).

Air and Space Power Review Volume 26 (2024)

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
RAF High Command in the Second World War – A New Perspective David Walker 6-25
The Man and the Myth – Robert Smith-Barry as 'The Man Who Taught The World To Fly' David Spruce 26-53
The RAF's Leading Role in the Development and Application of Synthetic Training Equipment Trevor Nash 54-74
UK Space Power: Contextualising the Need for Space Control James Payne 76-99
Artifical Intelligence: Is the RAF Ready? Are You? Andy Webb 100-111
The Falklands Guns - The Story of Captured Argentine Artillery that Became Part of the RAF Regiment David Caddick 322-323

Air and Space Power Review Volume 25 (2023)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Beyond the Cold War: Air Power Over a Flat Earth Tony Mason 8-17
Purple Air Power: The Future Challenge Andrew Vallance 18-29
Air Power – Past, Present and Future Andrew Lambert 30-49
Viewpoint: Operation Granby: A Personal Perspective Alistair Byford 50-63
Viewpoint: Thinking Through the Central Blue – Personal Reflections of the Air Power Thought Peter Gray 64-71
Defence Research Paper: Military Culture and Human Rights Violations Committed in Iraq in 2003 Louise Henton 72-105
Speech: Battle of Britain Marten van der Veen 106-114
Book Review: ‘Blood, Metal and Dust – How Victory Turned into Defeat in Afghanistan and Iraq’ by Ben Barry OBE Chloe Bridge 116-118
Book Review: ‘The Russo-Ukrainian War, the Return of History’ by Serhii Pokhy Nigel Jones 120-121
Book Review: ‘Air Power in the Falklands Conflict: An Operational Level Insight into Air Warfare in the South Atlantic’ by John Shields Chris Whelan 122-124
Book Review: ‘Enemy Coast Ahead: The Illustrated Memoir of Dambuster Guy Gibson’ by Guy Gibson Paul Marr 126-128

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
And if Deterrence Fails? The Case for Qualitative Edge and Combat Mass in a 21st Century Air Force Ben Durham 6-28
The Strategic Value of Air Defence Luke Botting 30-47
The 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War: Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles in Modern Warfare Chris Whelan 48-70
The North Atlantic Space Schism and the Ambiguity Problem: NATO’s Collective Space Defence Posture Scott Mackie 72-92
How Has the UK Government Responded to the Commercialisation of Space Activity? Martin Williamson 94-137
Military Leadership in a Technological Age: Management of Complex Technologies and Prospect for Space Harris Siderfin 138-159
Air Power for Peace? NATO’s Role in Ceasing Hostilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1995 Chloe Bridge 160-176
Vulcan Survivability in Nuclear War Julian Grenfell 178-184
Book Review: ‘The Digital Silk Road: China’s Quest to Wire the World and Win the Future’ by Jonathan E Hilman Ethan Haylock 186-188
Book Review: ‘Drone Theory’ by Gregoire Chamayou (translated by Janet Lloyd) Harry Brierley 190-192
Book Review: ‘Viper Pilot: A Memoir of Air Combat’ by Dan Hampton Andrew Ward 194-195
Book Review: ‘Always at War – Organisational Culture in Strategic Air Command, 1946-62’ by Melvin G Deaile John Shields 196-198

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Doing ‘All We Can to Help Mr Tizard’: The Role of Sholto Douglas in Radar Development and its Application Katharine Campbell 8-34
Joint SACEUR-SACLANT: Air Defence Operations in North European Waters Joan Hopkins 36-44
How Does Russia Wage Contemporary Political Warfare, and Consequently Challenge International Order? Jade Richards 46-79
To What Extent Does China’s Increasing Influence in the Black Sea Region Promote Stability? Sarah McDonnell 80-103
Female Radicalisation and ISIS: What are the Implications for UK Domestic Security? Sian English 104-141
Evaluate the Potential Effectiveness of Air Power in Sub-threshold and ‘Grey Zone’ Operations Clare Mummery 142-163
Artificial Intelligence: Changing the Nature of War – Strategic Security Implications for the United Kingdom? Alison Morton 164-188
Strategic Competition to Security Dilemma – The Language and Narrative of Space and Why it Matters Sas Duffin 190-220
Viewpoint: The Seam Between Chaos and Order Emma Keith 222-229
Book Review: ‘Human Compatible: AI and the Problem of Control’ by Stuart Russell Emma Keith 230-231
Book Review: ‘Why I’m Longer Talking to White People About Race’ by Reni Eddo-Lodge Sabrina Sheikh 232-235
Book Review: ‘The Weaponisation of Everything’ by Mark Galeotti Beth Lindley 236-338
Book Review: ‘RAF WWII Operational and Flying Accident Casualty Files in the National Archives – Exploring Their Contents’ by Mary Hudson Lilie Weaver 240-242
Book Review: ‘The Ledger: Accounting for Failure in Afghanistan’ by David Kilcullen and Greg Mills Chloe Bridge 244-246

Air and Space Power Review Volume 24 (2022)

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
The RAF and its Role in Reconnaissance Missions Over the Soviet Union Mark Kennedy 6-21
Reflections on the V-Force: Operationally Compromised but a Critical Geopolitical Enabler? Mark Tobin 22-43
Defence Research Paper – Tipping the Scales? The Influence of Hypersonic Weapons on the Military Balance Between NATO and Russia Mark Smith 44-75
Airminded Insurgents: Innovations to Undermine Airpower in the Gaza Strip Jacob Davies 76-99
Another Giant Leap: 50 Years of Military Satcom Paul Withers 100-117
The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence: Britain’s Bright Future Carolyn J Swinney 118-139
Viewpoint: Centre of Gravity analysis of Planning and Prosecution of the Battle of Britain? David Bond 140-151
Book Review: ‘Airpower in the War Against ISIS’ by Benjamin S Lambeth Christina Goulter 152-155
Book Review: ‘Losing the Long Game: The False Promise of Regime Change in the Middle East’ by Philip H Gordon Luke Botting 156-159
Book Review: ‘Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare’ by Thomas Rid Tom Raeburn 160-163
Book Review: ‘Democracy Hacked: Political Turmoil and Information in the Digital Age’ by Martin Moore Clare Muir 164-167
Book Review: ‘There is Planet B: A Handbook for the Make or Break Years’ – Updated Edition (2021) by Mike Berners-Lee Eliot Finnimore 168-171

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
1950s: The RAF’s Coronation Day E Colston Shephard 10-13
1960s: Britain’s Independent Deterrent H A Probert 14-21
1970s: Thinking About Air Power Neil Cameron 22-33
1980s: Corporate Lessons? Reflections on Some of the Myths, Anti-Myths Omissions of Britain’s Falklands Air War, 1982 David Jordan 34-53
1990s: The Role of Air Power in Crisis Management Richard Johns 54-63
2000s: Is There a Role for Air Power in the Post-Cold War World Craig White 64-77
2000/2010s: The Royal Air Force and UK Air Power Over Iraq and Kosovo, 1997-2000: A Comparative Perspective Sebastian Ritchie 78-101
2010s: Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems – Warfare’s Best Humanitarian Hope? James Beldon 102-115
2020s: What Does Protect and Defence Mean for a UK National Approach to Space? Rayna Owens 116-128

Air and Space Power Review Volume 23 (2021)

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
The ‘Eeles Memorandum’: A Timeless Study of Professional Military Education Steven Paget 6-13
‘Bumps along ‘The Berlin Road’’. Bomber Command’s Forgotten Battle of Hanover, September-October 1943 Richard Worrall 14-45
Royalties, Patents and Sub-Contracting: The Curious Case of the Hawker Hart Matthew Powell 46-59
The Worsted Manufacturer, Roderick Hill and ‘the most courageous decision of the War’: The Decision to Reorganise Britain’s Air Defence to Counter the V-1 Flying Bomb John Alexander 60-79
An Analysis of the Value of Air-to-Air Refuelling to Modern Air Operations Stuart Patton 80-101
Book Review: ‘Flight Risk’ Frank Ledwidge 102-105
Book Review: ‘Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning’ Paul Stoddart 106-109
Book Review: ‘This is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality’ Keith Dear 110-113
Book Review: ‘Fighters in the Blood: The Story of a Spitfire Pilot – and the Son Who Followed in his Footsteps’ James Beldon 114-117
Book Review: ‘Britain’s War: A New World, 1942-1947’ Paul Marr 118-121
Book Review: ‘The Blitz Companion: Aerial warfare, civilians and the city since 1911’ Mark Russell 122-125

Air and Space Power Review Volume 22 (2019)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Aerial Co-operation with the Navy C H K Edmonds 10-31
Commander’s Perspective: Establishing the Air Truth Stuart Atha 32-59
Viewpoint: An Ethics Framework for Autonomous Weapon Systems Peter Lee 60-81
A New Way in War? Russian ‘Hybrid’ Warfare in the Ukrainian Conflict of 2014 Tom Raeburn 82-93
Commanders’ Perspective: Commanders’ Reflections – Tornado GR Force Matt Bressani, Wg Cdr James Heeps 94-101
Air Power Proliferation: How Commercial-off-the- Shelf Drones are Being Used by Violent Extremist Organisations to Influence the Future of Warfare in the Air Peers Lyle 102-121
The RAF and its Approach to Science in the Interwar Period Mark Russell 122-137
Book Review: ‘Global Defense Procurement and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter’ Al Byford 138-141
Book Review: ‘Goliath: Why the West doesn’t win wars. And what we need to do about it’ Paul Stoddart 142-145
Book Review: ‘All the Factors of Victory: Admiral Joseph Mason Reeves and the Origins of Carrier Airpower’ Steven Paget 146-147

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Viewpoint: A Familiar Frontier: British Defence Strategy and Spacepower Bleddyn Bowen 6-15
Protecting Next Generation Military Satellite Communications with an Innovative Disaggregation Approach: Delivering Major Gains Through Business Change Mark Chang 16-31
Viewpoint: The Normalisation of Anti-Satellite Capabilities Alexandra Stickings 32-41
Putting AI into Air: What is Artificial Intelligence and What it Might Mean for the Air Environment James Waller, Dr Phillip Morgan 42-57
Between Air and Space – Zephyr and the Future of High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites Within Defence Lilie Weaver 58-75
Viewpoint: More Science, Less Art: Big Data, The Information Revolution and Decision-Making in the Royal Air Force Keith Dear 76-89
Multi-Domain Operations: A Review of Contemporary Concepts and an Analysis of Select Capabilities and Actions of Fighter Command and 11 Group During the Battle of Britain Jamie Meighan 90-109
Lost in Space: The Defeat of the V-2 and Post-War British Exploitation of German Long-Range Rocket Technology Bryan Hunt 110-145
Book Review: ‘Reaper Force: Inside Britain’s Drone Wars’ Tony Mason 146-149
Book Review: ‘The Man Who Took the Rap: Sir Robert Brooke- Popham and the Fall of Singapore’ Peter Gray 150-153
Book Review: ‘Limiting Risk in America’s Wars’ Peter Lee 154-157
Book Review: ‘Vietnam: An Epic Tragedy 1945-1975’ Tim Below 158-161

Air Power Review Volume 22 (2019)

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Military Aviation’s Cyber Challenge: Are Cyber Vulnerabilities a Credible Threat to a Modern Air Force? Daniel Lydiate 6-39
Justice from Above: The Application of Militarised American Air Power in the War on Drugs Iwan Benneyworth 40-63
High Flying Agents and Mystical Technology: Air Power, Bush Warfare and the Nuers, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1927-1928 Andrew Roe 64-87
‘Hot Air, Aeroplanes and Arabs’: T E Lawrence and Air Power John Alexander 88-111
‘… They Could be a Jolly Nuisance’: The Littorio-Class Battleships and RAF Bomber Command’s Bombing of Spezia, January-June 1943 Richard John Worrall 112-141
Viewpoint: Spiritual Resilience David Richardson 142-147
Book Review: ‘The Flatpack Bombers – The Royal Navy and the Zeppelin Menace’ David Tucker 148-149
Book Review: ‘The Mint’ Matthew Smith 150-153
Book Review: ‘21st Century Patton: Strategic Insights for the Modern Era’ Andrew Roe 154-157
Book Review: ‘Bolts from the Blue: From Cold War Warrior to Chief of the Air Staff’ James Beldon 158-161
Book Review: ‘Spitfire Over Everest’ Hon Paul Beaver 162-163

Air Power Review Volume 21 (2018)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Air Power in an Age of Armed Humanitarian Intervention Luke Botting 14-39
Air Power and Intervention: The Royal Air Force Experience in the Former Yugoslavia, 1992-1995 David Jordan 40-59
The RAF’s Experience of Command and Control in Operation Telic, the Second Gulf War, 2003 Sebastian Ritchie 60-81
UK Air Power in Operation Unified Protector, Libya 2011 Sebastian Ritchie 82-105
The Distance Paradox: Reaper, the Human Dimension of Remote Warfare, and Future Challenges for the RAF Peter Lee 106-131
Integrating Cyber with Air Power in the Second Century of the Royal Air Force Paul Withers 132-159
Viewpoint: Twenty-first Century Air Power: Future Challenges and Opportunities David D Deptula 160-179
Viewpoint: The Blurring of the Air and Space Domains – Perspective of the Physical, Moral and Conceptual Implications for the Royal Air Force in its Second Century Philip Lester 180-193
Book Review: ‘The Royal Air Force: The First One Hundred Years’ James Parker 194-197
Book Review: ‘Governing from the Skies: A Global History of Aerial Bombing’ John Alexander 198-201
Book Review: ‘Drones and Terrorism: Asymmetric Warfare and the Threat to Global Security’ and ‘Armed Drones and Globalization in the Asymmetric War on Terror’ Clare Muir 202-207
Book Review: ‘Ethics and Autonomous Weapons’ Mark Phelps 208-211
Book Review: ‘2020: World of War’ Angus MacIntyre 211-215

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
An Effort of Biblical Proportions – The Berlin Airlift 1948-1949 Sebastian Cox 8-35
‘Time is No Longer Our Ally’: RAF Bomber Command, Deterrence and the Transition to War, 1955-62 Clive Richards 36-61
The Cold War Cinderella Service: RAF Maritime Patrol Aircraft Operations Since 1945 Rob O’Dell 62-85
The ‘Most Daring Raid’? The Royal Air Force, Operation Black Buck and the Falklands Conflict, 1982 David Jordan, Wg Cdr John Shields 86-109
‘In at the Deep End’: RAF Harrier Operations During Operation Corporate, 1982 David Jordan, Wg Cdr John Shields 110-129
No Ordinary Job: A Personal Perspective Paddy Teakle 130-145
Operation Granby and the Dawn of Precision in the Royal Air Force: A Personal Perspective Alistair Byford 146-161
Book Review: ‘Sustaining Air Power: Royal Air Force Logistics Since 1918’ Jamie Cameron 162-165
Book Review: ‘The Royal Air Force Day-by-Day 1918-2018’ Alastair Noble 166-167

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Air Power Review’s Place in RAF History Tony Mason 3-11
Fighting in the Air (Personal Recollections 3rd course document and essay II) WilliS Douglas 12-33
Experiences with a Day Bombing Squadron in the Independent Force in 1918 (Personal Recollections 2nd course document and essay VII) John C Quinnell 34-47
The Prophet’s Interpreter: Sir Samuel Hoare, Hugh Trenchard and Their Campaign for Influence Sophy Gardner 48-61
Air Power in British Somaliland, 1920: The Arrival of Gordon’s Bird- Men, Independent Operations and Unearthly Retributions Andrew Roe 74-93
The RAF’s ‘Special’ Force Before the Special Duties Squadron Richard Newton 94-109
RAF Inter-War Operations on the North-West Frontier Andrew Walters 110-139
The Air Defence of Great Britain: An Overview, 1920-1936 David Jordan 140-159
Reaping the Whirlwind – Bomber Command’s War Sebastian Cox 160-177
Coastal Command in the Second World War John Buckley 178-201
Learning Together, Winning Together: Air Ground Cooperation in the Western Desert Robert Ehlers 202-233
Book Review: ‘The Royal Flying Corps, The Western Front and the Control of the Air, 1914-1918’ Phil Clare 234-237
Book Review: ‘Burma 44: The Battle That Turned Britain’s War in the East’ David Bett 238-241
Book Review: ‘Making Jet Engines in World War II: Britain, Germany and the United States’ Mark Russell 242-245
Book Review: ‘A Most Enigmatic War: R.V. Jones and the Genesis of British Scientific Intelligence 1939-45’ Lilie Weaver 246-249
Book Review: ‘How The War Was Won: Air-Sea Power and Allied Victory in World War II’ John Alexander 250-252

Air Power Review Volume 20 (2017)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
The Royal Flying Corps During Operation MICHAEL Phil Clare 10-31
‘We Never Talk About That Now’: Air-Land Integration in the Western Desert 1940-42 Dave Smathers 32-48
Strategic Bombing and Morale: To what extend did Operation GOMORRAH affect British and German morale? Warren Huggins 50-73
Viewpoint: Basil H Liddell Hart: His Applicability to Modern War Philip Meilinger 74-84
Book Review: ‘Waging Insurgent Warfare: Lessons from the Vietcong to the Islamic State’ Vladimir Rauta 86-88
Book Review: ‘Apache Over Libya’ Christina Goulter 90-92
Book Review: ‘Fighting with Allies: America and Britain in Peace and War’ Mark Smith 94-96
Book Review: ‘Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow’ Lee Ashcroft 98-100
Book Review: ‘Why Spy? The Art of Intelligence’ Mark Kennedy 102-103
Book Review: ‘The Myth of the Strong Leader: Political Leadership in the Modern Age’ Sean O’Connor 104-106

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Air Power and the Origins of Deterrence Theory before 1939 Richard Overy 8-33
Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir John Slessor and the Prevention of War Michael Howard 34-44
The Royal Air Force and the Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: An Introduction David Jordan 46-51
UK Governments and the British Bomber-Borne Nuclear Deterrence, 1945-1955 Alan Jackson 52-84
Viewpoint: A View from Whitehall Peter Hudson 90-94
Witness Seminar: RAF Bomber Command and the Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 Michael Kandiah, David Jordan 98-128
Selected Chronology of the RAF and the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis Robin Woolven 130-141
Bomber Command and the Cuban Missile Crisis: At the Brink of Armageddon? Len Scott 142-153
Deterrence at a Distance: Air Power and Conventional Deterrence in the Emerging Global Environment Stu Patton 156-180
Viewpoint: Conventional Prompt Global Strike: Enhancing Deterrence? Mark Hilborne 182-190
Deterrence: Further Reading David Jordan 192-205

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Air Power in Darfur, 1916: The Hunt for Sultan Ali Dinar and the Menace of the Fur Army Andrew Roe 8-24
‘Complete Failure’: The British and Dominion Aerial Re-supply 1915-16 Paul Barnes 26-43
Indefensible? A Reassessment of the Part Played by RAF Personnel in the Battle of Crete 1941 David Stubbs 44-64
Air Marshal Sir John Slessor: The Unsung British Cold War Strategist Bill Pike 66-91
Viewpoint: Reply to: The Battle of France, Bartholomew and Barratt: The Creation of Army Cooperation Command Matthew Powell 92-96
Viewpoint: Towards Unification: The View from the Air Victoria Thorpe 98-107
Viewpoint: Staying Relevant? The Future Utility of Air Power Clive Blount 108-114
Book Review: ‘Wiki at War: Conflict in a Socially Networked World’ by James Jay Carafano Paul Withers 116-118
Book Review: ‘Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction’ by Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner Clive Blount 120-121
Book Review: ‘Shifting Sands: The Unravelling of the Old Order’ by Raja Shehadeh and Penny Johnson John Hart 122-124
Book Review: ‘Runways to Freedom: The Special Duties Squadrons of RAF Tempsford’ by Robert Body Richard Newton 126-128
Book Review: ‘Air Warfare: History, Theory and Practice’ by Air Cdre (Retd) Dr Peter Gray Ian Shields 130-131
Book Review: ‘The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin’ by Steve Lee Myers Vladimir Rauta 132-133

Air Power Review Volume 19 (2016)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
The Royal Air Force and the Irish War of Independence 1918-1922 David Richardson 10-33
Flight Training in the First World War and its Legacy Trevor Nash 34-53
Communicating to Win Simon Harper, Jim Beldon 54-65
Viewpoint: Inner Lights: The Sources of Insight and Innovation Within Air Forces Robert C Owen 66-75
Viewpoint: Assessing Assessments: How Useful is Predictive Intelligence? John Hetherington, Keith Dear 76-87
Book Review: ‘The Battle for Britain: Inter-Service Rivalry Between the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy 1909-1940’ by Anthony J Cumming Colin McHattie 88-90
Book Review: ‘The Baghdad Air Mail’ by Wing Commander Roderic Hill Chloe Bridge 92-94
Book Review: ‘Binary Bullets: The Ethics of Cyberwarfare’ by Fritz Allhoff, Adam Hensschke and Bradley Jay Stawser Eoin Sands 96-98
Book Review: ‘Red Team: How to Succeed by Thinking Like the Enemy’ by Micah Zenko Mal Craghill 100-102
Book Review: ‘Hubris: The Tragedy of War in the Twentieth Century’ by Alistair Horne Frank Ledwidge 104-106
Book Review: ‘The Unravelling: High Hopes and Missed Opportunities in Iraq’ by Emma Sky Matthew Smith 108-110

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Britain and the Gulf War: A Chronology Royal Air Force 9-29
Introduction: Britain and the 1991 Gulf War Michael Kandiah, David Jordan, Kate Utting 30-36
Britain and the 1991 Gulf War Witness Seminar: Origins of the Conflict up to Desert Shield Royal Air Force 37-56
Britain and the 1991 Gulf War Witness Seminar: Discussion of the Prosecution of the Conflict Royal Air Force 57-79
Britain and the 1991 Gulf War Witness Seminar Discussion of the Aftermath of the Conflict Royal Air Force 80-99
Interview with Lord King of Bridgwater Kate Utting, Michael Kandiah 100-120
Interview with Lord Wakeham of Maldon Kate Utting, Michael Kandiah 121-129
Viewpoints: Reality of War: Tornado GR1 1,000lb GPB Low-Level Loft Delivery, 17 Jan 1991 Mike Toft 130-133
Viewpoints: Reality of War: Tornado GR1 JP233 Delivery, 17 Jan 1991 Andy Walters 134-140
Selected Tornado GR1 and Jaguar GR1 Mission Reports, 16 Jan to 23 Feb 1991 Paul Wilkins 141-187
The Royal Air Force and the First Gulf War, 1990-91: A Case Study in the Identification and Implementation of Air Power Lessons Sebastian Ritchie 188-205
Operation GRANBY: Maritime Air Reconnaissance Sebastian Ritchie 206-227
Evolution, not Revolution? Some Thoughts on Desert Storm and the RMA Debate Andrew Green 228-237
A War Misunderstood? Some Brief Reflections on Britain’s Air War in the Gulf 1990-91 David Jordan 238-247
RAF Air Policing Over Iraq – Uses and Abuses of History Peter Gray 248-255
The RAF in Operation TELIC: Offensive Air Power, March-April 2003 Sebastian Ritchie 256-270
Operation IRAQI FREEDOM Air Campaign: A Tactical Military Success, or a Strategic Information Failure? Mark Tobin 271-289
Introduction: Book Reviews of 10 Essential Reading First Gulf War Titles Chris Hunter 290-291
‘Arab Storm: Politics and Diplomacy Behind the Gulf War’ by Alan Munro Angharad Boyson 292-294
‘Desert Warrior: A Personal View of the Gulf War’ by HRH General Khaled Bin Sultan Ian Shields 295-296
‘The Generals’ War: The Inside Story of the First Gulf War’ by Michael Gordon and Bernard Trainor Mal Craghill 297-299
‘War with Iraq: Critical Lessons’ by General Buster Glosson USAF (Retd) Alexander McKenzie 301-302
‘Heart of the Storm: The Genesis of the Air Campaign Against Iraq’ by Richard T Reynolds John Alexander 303-305
‘Strategic Air Power in Desert Storm’ by John Andreas Olsen David Richardson 306-308
‘On Target: Organising and Executing the Strategic Air Campaign Against Iraq’ by Richard G Davis Phil Lester 309-310
‘The Iraq Wars and America’s Military Revolution’ by Keith L Shimko Shaun Harvey 311-313
‘Storm Command: A Personal Account of the Gulf War’ by Sir Peter de la Billiére Wayne Lovejoy 314-316
‘Thunder & Lightning – The RAF in the Gulf: Personal Experiences of War’ by Charles Allen Nigel Jones 317-319

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
‘A Gift to Our People’: The Use of Drone Technology by Islamist Insurgents Clive Blount, Charlie Sammut 8-24
Cyberspace Conflict: A New Phenomenon or an Extension of the Enduring Role of Information Warfare? Paul Withers 26-42
A ‘Miserable Damn Performance’? The Effectiveness of American Air Power Against Insurgency in Vietnam Dan Shaw 44-54
How Important were Personality, Ego and Personal Relationships to British Air-Land Integration in the Western Desert and Normandy? Paul Rait 56-79
Viewpoint: The Trilateral Strategic Initiative – A Primer for Developing Future Airpower Cooperation Peter Goldfein, André Adamson 80-88
Viewpoint: Reply to: The Battle of France, Bartholomew and Barratt: The Creation of Army Co-operation Command Greg Baughen 90-94
Book Review: ‘Crowded Orbits: Conflict and Cooperation in Space’ by James Clay Moltz Gerry Doyle 96-98
Book Review: ‘The Politics of Space Security: Strategic Restraint and the Pursuit of National Interests’ by James Clay Moltz Mark Presley 100-102
Book Review: ‘War: What Is It Good For? The Role of Conflict in Civilisation, From Primates to Robots’ by Ian Morris Ralph Dinsley 103-106
Book Review: ‘The Better Angels of Our Nature’ by Steven Pinker David Richardson 108-109
Book Review: ‘No Good Men Among the Living: America, the Taliban and the War Through Afghan Eyes’ by Anand Gopal Sandy McKenzie 110-112
Book Review: ‘Wings of Empire: The Forgotten Wars of the Royal Air Force, 1919-1939’ by Barry Renfrew Richard Newton 114-116

Air Power Review Volume 18 (2015)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
F-111K: Britain’s Lost Lost Bomber Richard Moore 10-28
The RAF in Operation Telic: Offensive Air Power, March-April 2003 Sebastian Ritchie 30-44
The Art of Article 5: The Utility of NATO’s Jus ad Bellum in the Face of Ambiguous Warfare Andrew Otchie 46-60
Viewpoint: Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems – Warfare’s Best Humanitarian Hope? Jim Beldon 62-73
Viewpoint: Future Mission Training in the Royal Air Force: The Utility of Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) Technologies Joe Doyle 74-80
Book Review: ‘Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War’ by P W Singer and August Cole Keith Dear 82-84
Book Review: ‘Jaguar Boys: True Tales from Operators of the Big Cat in Peace and War’ by Ian Hall David Jordan 86-88
Book Review: ‘A Short History of the First World War’ by Gary Sheffield Paul Withers 90-92

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
British Strategy in a Certain Eventuality Sebastian Cox 15-39
Imminence of a German Invasion of Great Britain – Report by the Joint Intelligence Committee Sebastian Cox 40-44
11 Group Instructions to Controllers and Analysis Sebastian Cox 46-69
‘Battle of Britain Despatch’ by Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding Sebastian Cox 70-136
The Rise and Fall of the German Air Force – (Air Pamphlet 248) 1922-1940 Sebastian Cox 138-161
‘Despised and Neglected’? British Fighter Defence, 1922-1940 John Alexander 162-181
The Battle of Britain: A Not So Narrow Margin John Shields 182-196
The Vital Pre-Requisite: The Battle of Britain and the Enduring Importance of Control of the Air Al Gillespie 198-215
Book Review: ‘Churchill and His Airmen: Relationships, Intrigue and Policy Making 1914-1945’ by Vincent Orange Sebastian Cox 216-219
Book Review: ‘The Battle of Britain: Five Months that Changed History, May – October 1940’ by James Holland David Jordan 220-222
Book Review: ‘When Britain Saved the West: The Story of 1940’ by Robin Prior David Jordan 224-227

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Conceptualising the Conceptual Component: One Airman’s Perspective Paul Wilkins 10-26
Revitalising the Conceptual Component: Addressing Britain’s Future Strategic Challenges Dan Brown 30-45
Developing a Flexible Royal Air Force for an Age of Uncertainty Paul O’Neill 46-65
Delivering Flexibility Through People: Harnessing Human Capability Paul O’Neill 66-88
The Battle of France, Bartholomew and Barratt: The Creation of Army Co-operation Command Matthew Powell 90-106
The United Kingdom’s National Interest: A Framework & Definition Andy Turner 108-125
What is the Utility of the Fifth Domain? Paul Withers 126-150
Viewpoint: UK Aerospace Power in Future Force 2020 Professor Philip Sabin 152-158

Air Power Review Volume 17 (2014)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
The Illusion of Victory: How War is Won or Lost in the Mind of the Observer! Tim Fawdry-Jeffries 10-44
Libya – The Responsibility to Protect and the Use of Military Force Mark Phelps 46-81
Politics and the Limits of Responsibility to Protect Peter Lee 82-101
Politics and Military Advice: Lessons from the Campaign in Greece 1941 David Stubbs 102-126
Viewpoint: The British Military and the ‘Special Relationship’ Wyn Rees 128-138
Book Review: ‘Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War’ by Robert Coram Shaun Harvey 140-141

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
The Bridge to Air Power – Aviation Engineering on the Western Front 1914-1918 Peter Dye 10-22
Haig and Trenchard: Achieving Air Superiority on the Western Front Paul Marr 24-46
Fit for Purpose? An Analysis of Operational Training in Bomber Command 1934-1944 Trevor Nash 48-67
Concentration and Asymmetry in Air Combat: Lessons for the Defensive Employment of Air Power Ian Horwood, Niall MacKay, Christopher Price 68-91
Viewpoint: How Well Do We Understand Air Command and Control? Alistair Byford 92-99
Book Review: ‘Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla’ by David Kilcullen Wayne Lovejoy 100-102
Book Review: ‘Vulcan Boys – From the Cold War to the Falklands – True Tales of the Iconic Delta B-Bomber’ by Tony Blackman David Jordan 104-106

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Why Airdrop? Daniel Rich 10-35
The Royal Air Force and the First Gulf War, 1990-91: A Case Study in the Identification and Implementation of Air Power Lessons Sebastian Ritchie 36-53
The V-Weapons Offensive: Its Impact Upon the Allied War Effort and Some Reflections Upon the Contemporary Implications of Weapons of Mass Effect Martin Johnson 54-65
Viewpoint: Eagles and Air Power: The Lord of the Rings as Doctrine Kenneth Payne 66-75
Book Review: ‘Air Commanders’ by John Andreas Olsen Tony Mason 76-83
Book Review: ‘The Generals: American Military Command from World War II to Today’ Clive Blount 84-86

Air Power Review Volume 16 (2013)

Issue 4

Title Authors Pages
Sir David Henderson, Father of the Royal Air Force H A Jones, David Jordan 8-21
The Birth of British Military Aviation Royal Air Force 22-63
Pre-War Developments in British Military Aviation Royal Air Force, David Jordan 64-97
The Development of Air Power in World War 1 Royal Air Force 98-151
The Formation of the Royal Air Force Royal Air Force 152-225
The Independent Force Royal Air Force 226-245
The Royal Air Force Post World War 1 Royal Air Force 246-313

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
RPAS: Future Force or Force Multiplier? An Analysis of Manned/ Unmanned Platforms and Force Balancing Damian Killeen 10-28
Rights, Wrongs and Drones: Remote Warfare, Ethics and the Challenge of Just War Reasoning Peter Lee 30-49
Military Autonomous & Robotic Systems Guy Edwards 50-71
Operation SERVAL: The Air Power Lessons of France’s Intervention in Mali Al Byford 72-81
Viewpoint: Rising from the Ashes: The Democratization in the States of Former Yugoslavia Clive Blount 82-91
Viewpoint: Air Power: Independent Action and Independent Effect Francesco Agresti 92-97
Book Review: ‘Cyber War Will Not Take Place’ by Thomas Rid Paul Withers 98-99
Book Review: ‘The Quick and the Dead’ by William Waterton James Brooks 100-102

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Rise of the Robots? Western Unmanned Air Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, 2001 to 2010 Joe Doyle 10-31
African Union Intervention Capacity: Implications for Air Power Rob O’Dell 32-49
The Troublesome 1930s: General Unrest, Intense Activity and Close Cooperation Andrew Roe 50-70
Viewpoint: ‘Military Momentum – Increasing Velocity to Offset Reducing Mass’ Paddy Teakle 72-82
Book Review: ‘The Strategic Bombing of Germany: A Review Essay’ Phillip Meilinger 84-93
Book Review: ‘A Fiery Peace in a Cold War: Bernard Schriever and the Ultimate Weapon’ by Neil Sheehan Clive Blount 94-99
Book Review: ‘The Second World War’ by Anthony Beevor Ian Shields 100-101
Book Review: ‘The Sowreys: A Unique and Remarkable Record of One Family’s Sixty-Five Years of Distinguished RAF Service’ by Air Cdre Graham Pitchfork Chris Hobson 102-103

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Air Power, Influence and the Operational Level Johnny Stringer 10-30
A New Paradigm for British Air Power? Richard Grimshaw 32-49
Air Power and the British Anti-Shipping Campaign in the Mediterranean, 1940-1944 Richard Hammond 50-69
Return from the Wilderness: An Assessment of Arthur Harris’ Moral Responsibility for the German City Bombings Peter Lee 70-90
A Historical Perspective on Defence Procurement – The Competition for the Replacement of the Avro Shackleton Mk 1 & 2, 1963-1966 Tomas Yonge 92-109
Viewpoint: Using Air Power in a Small War – A Battlegroup Commander’s Reflections on Operations in Afghanistan – Winter 2010/11 Colin Weir 110-123
Viewpoint: ‘Libyan Fractured Identity: Air Power and the Role of Pop-Up Government’ Andrea Watts 124-130
Viewpoint: ‘Air Power and Coercion: The Royal Air Force and Operation Bolton, 1997-2000’ Sebastian Ritchie 132-140
Book Review: ‘Airpower for Strategic Effect’ by Colin Gray Chris Luck 142-144

Air Power Review Volume 15 (2012)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
RPAS and the Ethical Landscape of Contemporary Conflict Nicholas Tucker-Lowe 1-15
The First Drone War: Air Power for Strategic Effect Kenny Fuchter 17-34
The Chinese threat to US interests in the Asia-Pacific Region and implications for US defence arrangements with Southeast Asia and Japan James Beldon 36-57
Gradual Reform or a Turning Point in Russian Military Transformation: How Russian Air Power has developed through Conflict and Reform from 1991-2012 Chantal Baker 59-79
Viewpoint: Motion Intelligence and Air Power: A Concept Keith Slack 81-95
Viewpoint: EBO – Fit for Purpose? Paul Stoddart 97-101
Book Review: ‘The Capture of Louisbourg 1758’ by Hugh Boscawen Neville Parton 107-109
Book Review: ‘Dam Busters: The Race To Smash The Dams 1943’ by James Holland Ian Shields 111-112

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Air Power and Morale in the North African Campaign of the Second World War Jonathan Fennell 1-16
Stalemate: How the Future of Air Power might look in the shadow of the emerging fifth-generation Air Threat Kevin Terrett 17-32
The Potential for Unmanned Combat Air Systems to Gain Control of the Air in Future Warfare Colin Wills 33-54
What’s Sex Got To Do With It? Women, Peace and Security for Future Operations Vix Anderton 55-64
‘Bugsplat’ and Fallible Humans: The Hi-Tech US Drone Campaign Over North-West Pakistan Andrew Roe 65-82
Viewpoint: A Trilateral Renaissance of Expeditionary NATO Air Power Tim Below 83-86
Viewpoint: Airpower and Afghanistan Dave Best 87-90
Book Review: ‘Development, Security and Unending War. Governing the World of Peoples’ by Mark Duffield Chantal Baker 91-92
Book Review: ‘Global Air Power’ by John Andreas Olsen Tim Below 93-98

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Remoteness, Risk and Aircrew Ethos Peter Lee 1-20
Evacuation by Air: The All-But-Forgotten Kabul Airlift of 1928-29 Andrew Roe 21-38
A Greek Tragedy? The Royal Air Force’s Campaign in the Balkans, November 1940 to April 1941 Alistair Byford 39-52
The Persian Gulf and British Defence Policy, 1956-1971 Ben Jones 53-80
Non-Kinetic Operations: Information Operations, Air Force Style BruMignot 81-90
Viewpoint: The Renaissance of Air Power Sandy McKenzie 91-96
Viewpoint: War at a Distance – An Alternative Perspective Rob Wheeler 97-102
Book Review: ‘British Naval Aviation: The First 100 Years’ by Tim Benbow Alistair Byford 103-106
Book Review: ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ by T E Lawrence Greg Hammond 107-109

Air Power Review Volume 14 (2011)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Combat-ISTAR; A New Philosophy on the Battle for Information in the Future Operating Environment Stuart Evans 1-10
Learning the Hard Way: A Comparative Perspective on Airborne Operations in the Second World War Sebastian Ritchie 11-34
Fair Stood the Wind for France? The Royal Air Force’s Experience in 1940 as a Case Study of the Relationship Between Policy, Strategy and Doctrine Alistair Byford 35-60
‘Good God, Sir, Are You Hurt’? The Realities and Perils of Operating Over India’s Troublesome North-West Frontier Andrew Roe 61-82
The Indian Air Force in Wars Jasjit Singh 83-98
Operation IRAQI FREEDOM Air Campaign: A Tactical Military Success, or a Strategic Information Failure? Mark Tobin 99-118
The British Joint Area Combined Headquarters Scheme and the Command and Control of Maritime Air Power Richard Goette 119-136
Book Review: ‘Cables from Kabul: The Inside Story of the West’s Afghanistan Campaign’ by Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles Greg Hammond 137-140
Book Review: ‘The Art of Action: How Leaders Close the Gaps Between Plans, Actions and Results’ by Stephen Bungay Neville Parton 141-144

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Combat ISTAR Stuart Evans 1-4
Bombers, ‘Butchers’, and Britain’s Bête Noire: Reappraising RAF Bomber Command’s Role in World War II Robert Ehlers 5-18
Balanced Air Power in an Age of Austerity: The Leadership Challenge Peter Gray 19-30
War at a Distance? Some Thoughts for Air Power Practitioners Clive Blount 31-40
Missile-Defence Dilemmas David Gates 41-54
The End of Air Power History and the Last Airman: Air Power, Liberal Democracy and the British Way of War John Alexander 55-74
Book Review: ‘The Age of Air Power’ by Martin van Creveld Clive Blount 75-78
Book Review: ‘Lawrence of Arabia’s Secret Air Force: Based on the Diary of Flight Sergeant George Hynes’ John Alexander 79-82
Book Review: ‘Joint Doctrine Note 2/11: The UK Approach to Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ Ian Shields 83-86
Book Review: ‘The Art of Action: How Leaders Close the Gaps Between Plans, Actions and Results’ by Stephen Bungay Neville Parton 87-90

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
RAF Air Policing Over Iraq – Uses and Abuses of History Peter Gray 1-10
Reflections on the Maxwell ‘Revolution’: John Warden and Reforms in Professional Military Education Joel Hayward, Tamir Libel 11-34
Strategic Paralysis in Irregular Warfare Richard Newton 35-50
Aviation and Guerrilla War: Proposals for ‘Air Control’ of the North-West Frontier of India Andrew Roe 51-74
Air Power in the Mau Mau Conflict: The Government’s Chief Weapon Steve Chappell 75-92
Networking not ‘the Network’: the Key to Information Age Warfare Stew Edmondson 93-104
Viewpoint: Space Matters! Ian Shields 105-110

Air Power Review Volume 13 (2010)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Air & Space Power after the SDSR Stephen Dalton 1-8
The Gloves Will Have to Come Off: A Reappraisal of the Legitimacy of the RAF Bomber Offensive Against Germany Peter Gray 9-40
The Qur’an and War: Observations on Islamic Just War Joel Hayward 41-64
Christianity, the West and Just War in the Twenty-First Century Peter Lee 65-84
Prevention is Better Than Cure: What is the Utility of Air Power in Conflict Prevention? Clive Blount 85-96
‘Pink’s War’ – Applying the Principles of Air Control to Waziristan, 9 March to 1 May 1925 Andrew Roe 97-118
False Start: the Enduring Air Power Lessons of the Royal Air Force’s Campaign in Norway, April-June 1940 Alistair Byford 119-142
Viewpoint: After the Surge: Implications of Strategic Shift in Afghanistan and Beyond Alexander McKenzie 143-154
Viewpoint: The Current and Future Utility of Air and Space Power Philip Sabin 155-174
Book Review: ‘The Cinderella Service: RAF Coastal Command 1939- 1945’ by Andrew Hendrie Clive Blount 175-176
Book Review: ‘Back Bearings: A Navigator’s Tale 1942 to 1974’ by Gp Capt Eric Cropper Clive Blount 177-178
Book Review: ‘Counterinsurgency’ by David Kilcullen John Alexander 179-180
Book Review: ‘Night Fighters – Luftwaffe and RAF Air Combat over Europe 1939-45’ by Colin D Heaton and Anne-Marie Lewis David Richardson 181-182

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Air Power, Coercion and … Irregular Warfare? Richard Newton 1-20
Modern Airpower, Counter Insurgency and Lawrence of Arabia Clive Blount 21-32
The RAF in Command: The Policing of Mesopotamia from the Air Paul Horne 33-42
Air Power Lessons from the Counter Insurgency Operations in Malaya, Borneo and Aden James Parker 43-54
‘The Strategic, Moral and Conceptual Significance of Victory in the Battle of Britain Russ La Forte 55-68
Adding Brain to Brawn: The School of Advanced Air and Space Studies and its Impact on Air Power Thinking Tamir Libel, Joel Hayward 69-80
Viewpoint: W(h)ither Air Power Education? Al Byford , Ian Shields 95-107
Historic Book Review: ‘Bombing to Win: Air Power and Coercion in War’ by Robert Pape Neville Parton 81-88
Book Review: ‘Going to War: British Debates from Wilberforce to Blair’ by Philip Towle Neville Parton 89-92
Book Review: ‘The Evolution of International Security Studies’ by Barry Buzan and Lene Hansen Ian Shields 93-94

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Network Enabled Capability, Air Power and Irregular Warfare: The Israeli Air Force Experience in the Lebanon and Gaza, 2006-2009 Al Byford 1-12
The Psychological Use of Air Power: A Growth Area for the Future Kevin Marsh 13-34
Air Power’s Early Development in America and Italy Paul O’Neill 35-54
The Impact of the Changing Strategic Environment on the Delivery of Air Power Stuart Hatzel 55-68
The Maritime Perspective of Air Power Nick Walker 69-80
Viewpoint: The Life of an Air Attaché: Alcohol, Cholesterol and Protocol? Ian Elliott 81-84
Letter: Response to 'Building a Good Instrument' Ian Shields 97-98
Letter: Finding Time for Fun Alistair Monkman 99-109
Book Review: ‘High Stakes: Britain’s Air Arms in Action 1945-1990’ by Vic Flintham Clive Blount 85-86
Book Review: ‘The Price of Peace: Just War in the Twenty-First Century’ by Charles Reed and David Ryall Ian Shields 87-88
Historic Book Review: ‘The Air Campaign’ by John Warden Neville Parton 89-96

Air Power Review Volume 12 (2009)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
The Future of British Air and Space Power: A Personal Perspective Stephen Dalton 1-14
Air Power and the Environment: The Ecological Implications of Modern Air Warfare Joel Hayward 15-42
‘Executive Fuller’! – The Royal Air Force and the Channel Dash Al Byford 43-64
Air Power and the Contemporary Army Chris Luck 65-76
Air/Land Integration and the 100 Days: The Case of Third Army Jonathan Boff 77-88
‘Building a Good Instrument’: Assessing the Likely Characteristics of Future Conflicts and Their Implications for the Air Component Helen Miller 89-104
Viewpoint: Air Power and Agility Ian Shields 105-112
Viewpoint: Is Defence Carrying Too Much ‘RISK’? Dave Stubbs 113-118
Book Review: ‘Torpedo Leader’ by Wg Cdr Patrick Gibbs DSO DFC Clive Blount 119-120
Book Review: ‘The Science of Bombing: Operational Research in RAF Bomber Command’ Bob Gordon 121-124
Historic Book Review: ‘The Limits of Air Power: The American Bombing of North Vietnam’ Neville Parton 125-133

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Man on the Moon: Forty Years On Clive Blount 1-15
Can the UK Remain a First Division Player in Military Operations without Significant Additional Investment in Space-Based Capability? Stephen Jones 16-51
China’s Military Space Strategy Kenny Fuchter 52-75
Space as a Medium for Warfighting Gerry Doyle 76-95
Counterspace Operations and the Evolution of US Military Space Doctrine Michael Sheehan 96-113
Viewpoint: UK Space Policy Mark Hilbourne 134-146
Letter: Lessons for the Royal Air Force from the Spanish Civil War David Jordan 133
Historic Book Review: ‘John Boyd and Air Power Theory’ Neville Parton 114-123
Book Review: ‘Astropolitik: Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age’ by Everett C Dolman Ian Shields 124-127
Book Review: ‘Wolfram von Richthofen: Master of the German Air War’ by James S Corum Al Byford 128-131

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
France and the Development of British Military Aviation Peter Dye 1-13
The Myths and Realities of Air Anti-Submarine Warfare During the Great War John Abbatiello 14-31
Through a Glass Darkly: The Royal Air Force and the Lessons of the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 Brian Armstrong 32-55
British Thinking on Air Power – The Evolution of AP3000 Christopher Finn 56-67
The Quest for Relevant Air Power – Continental Europe Christian Anrig 68-91
Air Power and the Russian-Georgian Conflict of 2008: Lessons Learned and Russian Military Reforms Stéphane Lefebvre, Roger McDermott 92-113
Letter from America Carl Scott 114-123
Historic Book Review: ‘Air Power in War’ by Lord Tedder Neville Parton 124-133
Book Review: ‘The Past as Prologue: The Importance of History to the Military Professional', edited by Williamson Murray and Richard Hart Sinnreich Ian Shields 134-136

Air Power Review Volume 11 (2008)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Air Power and China in the 21st Century Kenny Fuchter 1-17
The Jebel Akhdar War: The Royal Air Force in Oman, 1952-1959 Peter Dye 18-33
Leadership in Air Operations – In Search of Air Power Leadership Ole Jørgen Maaø 34-53
The Polish Air Force in the United Kingdom, 1939-1946 Michael Alfred Peszke 54-75
Letter from America Carl Scott 76-87
Letter: An invitation to help shape UK doctrine Gen P R Newton 98
Letter: Soldiers are from Mars Paul Colley 99
Letter: Where are the air power strategists? A response Ian Shields 100-101
Letter: The Battle of France, a Response Sebastian Cox 102-103
Historic Book Review: ‘Victory Through Air Power’ by Major Alexander P De Seversky Neville Parton 88-95
Book Review: ‘The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy’ by Adam Tooze Peter Gray 96-97

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
The Air/Land Relationshi: An Historical Perspective, 1918-1991 Sebastian Cox 1-11
The Royal Air Force and Air/Land Integration in the 100 Days, August-November 1918 David Jordan 12-29
Friends in High Places: Air Power on the North-West Frontier of India Andrew Roe 30-43
To What Extent is Organisational Culture an Impediment to, or Driver of, Change Within the Armed Forces? Gek Peng Tay 44-59
The Battle of France, May 1940: Enduring, Combined and Joint Lessons Alistair Byford 60-73
A History of Military Aeromedical Evacuation Mary Hudson 74-101
Soldiers are from Mars and Airmen are from Venus: Does Air Power Do What it Says on the Tin? Paul Colley 102-118
Where are the Air Power Strategists? John Alexander 119-121
Viewpoint: Interpreting and Misinterpreting Air Power’s Strategic Potential – Overcoming the Sisyphean Labor Chris Luck 131-138
Historic Book Review: ‘Air Power and Armies’ by Wg Cdr J C Slessor Neville Parton 122-126
Book Review: ‘Strategy for Victory: The Development of British Tactical Air Power 1919-1943’ by David Ian Hall Ian Shields 127-130

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Where are the Air Power Strategists? Ian Shields 1-5
Air Power and Psychological Warfare Operations: Malaya, 1948-1960 Bryan J Hunt 6-19
The Origins of Military Aviation in India and the Creation of the Indian Air Force, 1910-1932. Part Two Clive Richards 20-49
RAF Counter-Insurgency Operations in Oman and Aden, 1950- 1970 Sebastian Ritchie 50-69
What is Meant by Harmonisation and What are the Implications for the RAF? S A Harper 70-105
The Provision of Transport and Support Aircraft to British Airborne Forces During the Second World War: Too Few Aircraft or Too Many Airborne Troops? Sebastian Ritchie 115-119
Historic Book Review: ‘Air Power and War Rights’ by J M Spaight Neville Parton 106-110
Book Review: ‘Nuclear Logics: Contrasting Paths in East Asia and the Middle East’ by Etel Solingen Ian Shields 111-112
Book Review: ‘Divining Victory: Air Power in the 2006 Israel- Hezbollah War’ by William M Arkin Neville Parton 113-114

Air Power Review Volume 10 (2007)

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Expeditionary Air Operations in German East Africa – The Lessons for Today Peter Dye 1-29
Network Enabled Capability: A Theory Desperately in Need of Doctrine John Meiter 30-55
The Origins of Military Aviation in India and the Creation of the Indian Air Force, 1910-1932. Part One of Two Clive Richards 56-75
ROLLING THUNDER – A Failure of Intelligence and Cultural Awareness? Paul Robinson 76-87
‘… There is, I’m afraid, alternative …’ The Provision of Transport and Support Aircraft to British Airborne Forces During the Second World War John Greenacre 88-111
Historic Book Review: ‘The Command of the Air’ by Guilio Douhet (Translated by DiFerrari) Neville Parton 112-117

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
A Power: A Middle East Perspective Prince Feisal of Jordan 1-10
Combat Air Power in Irregular Warfare: Operational utility, the lack of narrative and risk of strategic failure Harry Kemsley 14-51
The Fall and Rise of the Luftwaffe Stu Peach 52-67
Ruling the Empire out of the Central Blue: The Royal Air Force and Counter-Insurgency (COIN) Operations in the Inter-War Period David Hall 68-79
Israel’s 2006 Campaign in the Lebanon: A failure of air power or a failure of doctrine? Neville Parton 80-93
Historic Book Review: ‘Basic Principles of Air Warfare’ written anonymously under the pseudonym ‘Squadron Leader’ Neville Parton 94-98
Book Review: ‘Making Sense of War: Strategy for the 21st Century’ by Alan Stephens and Nicola Baker Neville Parton 99-102

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
From Coningham to Project Coningham-Keyes: Did British Forces Relearn Historical Air-land Co-operation Lesssons During Operation TELIC? Harv Smyth 1-27
A Frontier Too Far: Is There Credible Justification for the United States to Weaponize Space? Johnny Stringer 28-49
RAF Nuclear Deterrence in the Cold War Paul Graham 50-75
The Legal and Moral Challenges Facing the 21st Century Air Commander Andy Myers 76-96
To What Extent Did Royal Air Force Employment of Electronic Warfare Contribute to the Outcome of the Strategic Night Bomber Offensive of World War II? Rob O’Dell 97-118
Historic Book Review: ‘Flying Corps Headquarters 1914-1918’ by Maurice Baring Neville Parton 119-130

Air Power Review Volume 9 (2006)

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Doctrine from the Crucible: The British Air-Land Experience in the Second World War Ian Gooderson 1-15
Air Power and Special Operations: The RAF and Special Duties in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945 Sebastian Ritchie 14-31
Training Robust Warfighters for an Agile Air Force Steve Abbott 32-39
Sustaining Air Power: The Influence of Logistics on Royal Air Force Doctrine Peter Dye 40-51
The London Balloon Company Michael J Dunn 52-62
Book Review: ‘Drop Zone Borneo: The RAF Campaign 1963-65: The Most Successful Use of Armed Forces in the Twentieth Century’ by Roger Annett Nick Hudson 63-64

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Does the United Kingdom Require a Strategic Deterrent Capability Post-2030, or Is There a Better Strategy? D A Stamp 1-25
Does the Dambusters Raid Deserve its Growing Reputation as Operationally Daring but Strategically Futile? M Gilligan 26-47
Playing the ‘Killing Fields’ Without Killing: To What Extent Should the RAF Incorporate the Use of Non-Lethal Technologies? N J Hay 48-71
Perspectives on the Revolution in Military Affairs and Network Centric Warfare: Challenges for the UK Network Enabled Capability Programme S W Wray 72-93
Book Review: ‘Shot Down and in the Drink: RAF and Commonwealth aircrews saved from the sea 1939-1945’ by Air Cdre Graham Pitchfork Neville Parton 94-95
Book Review: ‘Anti-Submarine Warfare in World War I: British naval aviation and the defeat of the U-Boats’ by John J Abbatiello Neville Parton 96-97

Air Power Review Volume 8 (2005)

Issue 4

Title Authors Pages
Air Control: Past, Present, Future? A J C Walters 1-19
Perspectives from Within the Profession Philip Sabin 20-33
The Command and Leadership Competence of ACM Sir Hugh Dowding Simon Braun 34-51
Did Allied Air Interdiction Live up to Expectations in the Italian Campaign 1943-1944? F Spence 52-63
In Command of History: The Air Power Implications Peter W Gray 64-71

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Mischief Night: Allied Radar Spoofing Operations 5-6 June 1944, D-Day Alfred Price 1-12
Britain’s Policy on Ballistic Missile Defence Jeremy Stocker 13-33
Effects Based Operations: A Case for the Primacy of Effects Ryan Clow 34-45
Are the Experiences of the Servicing Commandos Relevant Today? S D Ellard 46-70
The Culture of the World War II Luftwaffe Fighter Ace Dean Andrew 71-91
Air-Land Co-operation in Normandy: High-level Petulance and Intransigence Coloured Campaign Execution Cdre I Moncrieff 92-109
Book Review: ‘Dresden: Tuesday 13 February 1945’ by Frederick Taylor Neville Parton 110
Book Review: ‘The Reconstruction of Warriors: The Ordeal by Fire of World War II’s Airmen’ by E R Mayhew Neville Parton 111-112
Book Review: ‘Air Power from Kitty Hawk to Gulf War II: A History of the People, Ideas and Machines that Transformed War in the Century of Flight’ by Stephen Budiansky Sebastian Cox 113

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
The Air Doctrine of General Douhet Tulasne 1-3
The Utility of Air Power in Nation Building R M Poole 4-25
Operation Market Garden: Did Air Power Fail? Seb Ritchie 26-47
Long-Range Offensive Air Power: A Strategic War Winner, or Tactical Supporter of Ground Forces A J C Walters 48-73
Caught in the Middle: Air Combat between Israel and the RAF B T Williamson 74-89
Proportionality and the Laws of War: A Critical Analysis of the Principle of Proportion under Additional Protocol 1, 1977 Laurie-an D'Alderley 90-103
Book Review: ‘The Royal Air Force in Texas: Training British Pilots in Terrell During World War II’ by Tom Killebrew Neville Parton 104
Book Review: ‘Lettice Curtis: Her Autobiography’ by Lettice Curtis Chris Hobson 105-107

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Trenchard Memorial Lecture 2004 Brian Burridge 1-9
There is No Such Thing as Air Power Jeremy Stocker 10-20
Beyond Warden's Rings? A Human Systems Approach to the More Effective Application of Air Power A Killey 21-50
From Simplistic Assurances of NEC to Optimistic Promises of NCW: More Pitfalls than Promises A C Chopra 51-77
The Rocket-Firing Typhoons in Normandy: Two Major Actions Alfred Price 78-88
Are Strategic Bombers Relevant in the 21st Century and have the Recent Operations in Afghanistan and Iraq Supported the Case for their Future Use? S L Jones 89-113
The Experiences of the Soviet Air Force in Afghanistan, 1979-1989 Thomas Withington 114-128
Book Review: ‘Attack Aircraft and Bombers of the World’ by Anil R Pustam Gerry Doyle 129
Book Review: ‘Russian Security and Air Power 1992-2002: The development of Russian security thinking under Yeltsin and Putin and its consequences for the air forces’ by Marcel de Haas C J Finn 130-131

Air Power Review Volume 7 (2004)

Issue 4

Title Authors Pages
The Tale of the C/JFACC: A Long and Winding Road Stephen O Fought 1-12
Anglo-US Co-operation Seb Cox 13-21
Air Lines: Anglo-American Tactical Air Operations in World War II Thomas Alexander Hughes 22-38
Anglo-American Strategic Air Power Co-operation in the Cold War and Beyond Chris Finn, Paul Berg 39-54
British Commonwealth Carrier Operations in the Korean War David Hobbs 55-69
Post-Cold War Development of UK Joint Command and Control Capability Redvers, T N Thompson 70-81
Operation Iraqi Freedom: Coalition Operations Sophy Gardner 82-95
The British American Forces Dining Club Larry G Carter 96-101
Book Review: ‘Strategic Air Power in Desert Storm’ by John Andreas Olsen Chris Finn 102
Book Review: ‘The Iraq War: A Military History’ by Williamson Murray and Maj Gen Robert H Scales Jr Merrick E Krause 103-105
Book Review: ‘Tedder: Quietly in Command’ by Vincent Orange Sebastian Ritchie 106-107
Book Review: ‘Surprise, Security, and the American Experience’ by John Lewis Gaddis Richard Szafranski 108-109

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Iraq 2003: Air Power Pointers for the Future Closing Address Brian Burridge 1-15
Rising from the Ashes: Allied Air Power and Air Support for 14th Army in Burma, 1943-1945 Sebastian Ritchie 16-29
What Should We Bomb? Axiological Targeting and the Abiding Limits of Air Power Theory Paul Kan 30-39
The Battle of the Bismarck Sea, 1943: A Proving Ground for Air Power Theory and Doctrine David Mets 40-62
The Aviator as Superhero? The Individual and the First War in the Air Peter Dye 63-74
Airbase Defence: The Optimum Strategy to Counter Modern Threats to Joint Air Operations Dave Watkins 75-91
How Critical was Air Power in the Failure of Operation Market Garden? Dave Winstanley 92-113
Book Review: ‘Plotting a True Course: Reflections on USAF Strategic Attack Theory and Doctrine, the Post-World War II Experience’ Edited by David R Mets and William P Head Mark K Wells 114

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Experiences of 6 Sqn in Iraq, 1920 G C Pirie 1-11
Strategic Air Power Theory in the 21st Century Neville Parton 12-24
The Korean War 1950-1953 John Mordike 25-45
To Stop Them on the Beaches: Luftwaffe Operations Against the Allied Landings in Italy James S Corum 46-67
UK Air ISR: Maximising Effect Mark Knight 68-87
NCO Pilots in the RFC/RAF 1912-1918 Jeff' Jefford 89-100

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Totem and Taboo: Depolarising the Space Weaponisation Debate Karl Mueller 1-22
Britain and the Berlin Airlift J S Cox 23-43
Preparing the Way for Cooperation in European Air Power David Tucker 44-57
The Dam Busters Raid - Success or Sideshow? T Webster 58-75
The Chinese Air Force and Air and Space Power Thomas R McCabe R 76-89
RAF Ethos & Culture in the 21st Century: Aircrew or Air Power? A J Seabright 90-110
How Capable Was the V-Bomber Force Militarily of Delivering Britain's Nuclear deterrent in the Late 1950s and 1960s? Ms Alexis Tregenza 111-135
Book Review: ‘Shot Down and on the Run: The RAF and Commonwealth Aircrews Who Got Home from Behind Enemy Lines 1940-1945’ by Air Cdre Graham Pitchfork Julian Spencer 136-138

Air Power Review Volume 6 (2003)

Issue 4

Title Authors Pages
Air Aspects of Operation Iraqi Freedom C J Finn 1-21
100 Years of Powered Flight: A Human Perspective ‘Black’ Robertson 22-37
UK Long Range Offensive Air Power for 2020 and Beyond Tim Anderson 38-51
Moments in the Life of a MiG-21 Pilot D Nedyalkov 52-59
Russian Air Power in Central Asia: Assessing the VVS Deployment in Kyrgystan Roger McDermott, William O'Malley 60-73
The Air and Space Nation is in Peril Phillip Meilinger 74-85
First Landing: 3 Squadron Comes to Halton During the 1913 Manoeuvres Francis Hanford 86-97
Book Review: ‘Air Power in Small Wars: Fighting Insurgents and Terrorists’ by James S Corum and Wray R Johnson Chris Finn 98
Book Review: ‘The Last Escape: The Untold Story of Allied Prisoners of War in Germany 1944-45’ by John Nichol and Tony Rennell Seb Cox 99

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
A History of Effects-Based Air Operations Phillip Meilinger 1-24
Effects-Based Operations, The Contemporary Air Perspective Stuart Peach 25-46
American Bombardment Policy Against Germany 1942-1945 R Davis 45-61
The USAF Heavy Bomber Fleet - Flexible Platform, Flexible Future? Thomas Withington 62-76
Allied Air Power Comes of Age: The Roles and Contributions of Air Power to the Italian Campaign R Renner 77-89
The UK Approach to Future Command and Inform (C4ISR) I Pickard 90-102
Pre-Emptive Strike Alfred Price. 103-115
The Hunt for Goeben and Breslau: Tee-Emm Article, 1942 Royal Air Force 116-119
Book Review: ‘The Dam Busters: Defeating the Great Dams of Western Germany 16-17 May 1943’ by Jonathan Falconer G R Pitchfork 120
Book Review: ‘Airwar: Theory and Practice’ by Phillip S Meilinger C J Finn 121-122

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Interview with Chief of the Air Staff, Sir Peter Squire Peter Squire 1-7
Prejudicial Counsel, Part 2: A Multidimensional Study of Tactical Air Power Between the Korean and Vietnam Wars R L Banks 8-30
Unmanned Systems: A Genuine Revolution in Military Affairs? S G Heath 31-55
The Decisive Role of Air Power in the Pacific Campaign of WWII S Richards 56-73
'Air Rollback': Tactical Targets...Independent Air Power? P Johnston 74-88
Will Bandwidth be the Major Limiting Factor of Future Air Operations? K A Klausner 89-102
Some Lessons of the Air Exercises 1930 A 'Blue Force' Staff Officer 103-117
Book Review: ‘The Bristol Blenheim: A Complete History’ by Graham Warner G R Pitchfork 118-123

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
The Andrew Humphrey Lecture Peter Squire 1-9
The European Rapid Reaction Force – The Contribution of Aviation Logistics Peter Dye 10-33
The Use of Russian Air Power in the Second Chechan War Marcel de Haas 34-59
Starting from Scratch: The Luftstreitkrafte Builds a Bomber Doctrine, 1914 – 1918 James S Corum 60-77
A-10 FACs over Kosovo ‘Goldie’ Haun 78-105
Prejudicial Counsel: A Multidimensional Study of Tactical Air Power between the Korean and Vietnam Wars, Part 1 R L Banks 106-151
The Maintenance of Air Superiority in a Land Campaign T Leigh-Mallory 152-159
Book Review: ‘A Century of Flight’ by Peter J Almond Royal Air Force 160
Book Review: ‘The Growth of Fighter Command 1936-1940’ by T C G James Peter W Gray 161
Book Review: ‘The Buccaneers: Operational Service with the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force’ by Air Cdre Graham Pitchfork Chris Finn 162-164

Air Power Review Volume 5 (2002)

Issue 4

Title Authors Pages
Air Power in Afghanistan Chris Finn 1-13
General Sir Edmund Allenby’s joint operations in Palestine, 1917- 1918 John Mordike 14-39
Winged Defence – Answering the Critics of Airpower Philip S Meilinger 40-63
Network Centric Warfare: Evolution or Revolution? J Wise 64-85
Kosovo and the Continuing SEAD Challenge Benjamin S Lambeth 86-102
Air Power and the Changing Nature of Terrorism Craig White 103-119
Captain James McCudden VC Tee Emm 120-123
‘Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare: The Evolution of British and American Ideas About Strategic Bombing, 1914-1945’: A Review Essay Peter W Gray 124-131
Book Review: ‘The Hunt for Zerzura: The Lost Oasis and the Desert War’ by Saul Kelly Peter W Gray 132
Book Review: ‘Skies of Fire: Dramatic Air Combat’ by Alfred Price Chris Finn 133

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Air Power: The Asymmetric Edge Peter W Gray 1-19
The Long Gestation and Difficult Birth of the 2nd Tactical Air Force (RAF) David Ian Hall 20-35
Control, Coordinate, or Deconflict? Senior Air Force Leaders’ Views of Rolling Thunder Joint Operations, 1965-1968 Paul Berg 36-46
Barnes Wallis’s Other Bouncing Bomb, Part 2: Plans to Sink the German Battleship Tirpitz in 1943 John Sweetman 47-58
Redefining ‘Strategic Effect’ in British Air Power Doctrine Richard Lock-Pullan 59-67
Air Power at El Alamein Alfred Price 68-81
The Future of the Royal Air Force: The Aeroplane, Dec 1919 Royal Air Force 82-95
Book Review: ‘Escape to Freedom: An Airman’s Tale of Capture, Escape and Evasion’ by Tony Johnson Royal Air Force 96
Book Review: ‘The First Blitz: The German Air Campaign Against Britain 1917-1918’ by Andrew P Hyde Royal Air Force 97
Book Review: ‘The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum: Director of Airplanes: Their Designers and Manufacturers’ Edited by Dana Bell Royal Air Force 98

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
Black Buck to the Falklands Alfred Price 1-11
Manoeuvrist Approach and Coalition Warfare Alistair Monkman 12-41
Silent Trackers: The Spectre of Passive Surveillance in the Information Age Peter Emmett 42-57
Operation ALLIED FORCE Chris Norton 58-87
Caen – The Martyred City Peter W Gray 88-103
Barnes Wallis’s Other Bouncing Bomb: Part 1 John Sweetman 104-121
Victoria Cross Hero Royal Air Force 122-127
Book Review: ‘Bomber Barons’ by Chaz Bowyer Royal Air Force 128
Book Review: ‘Moonless Night: The Second World War Escape Epic’ by B A ‘Jimmy’ James Royal Air Force 129

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Air Power and Levels of Warfare Peter W Gray 1-17
Air Force Transformation Past, Present, and Future D A Deptula 18-29
A Practical Prophet? Arthur Harris, the Legacy of Lord Trenchard and the Question of ‘Panacea’ Targeting Walter Kudrycz 30-43
The Big Question – Will the Missile Defence System Enhance US National Security? I Burns 44-65
The Impact of ISTAR on Military Deception W J Millington 66-93
Dresden Eric Thale 94-149
The Supremacy of Air Power J F C Fuller 150-156
Book Review: ‘Observers and Navigators and Other Non-Pilot Aircrew in the RFC, RNAS and RAF’ by Wg Cdr (Retd) C G Jefford MBE BA RAF P W Gray 157-158
Book Review: ‘RAF Squadrons – A Comprehensive Record of the Movement and Equipment of all RAF Squadrons and their Antecedents Since 1912: Second Edition’ by Wg Cdr (Retd) C G Jefford MBE BA RAF P W Gray 158
Book Review: ‘Broken Eagles – Luftwaffe Losses Over Yorkshire 1939-1945’ by Bill Norman Royal Air Force 159
Book Review: ‘Fighter Command: War Diaries January 1942 to June 1943’ by John Foreman Royal Air Force 160

Air Power Review Volume 4 (2001)

Issue 4

Title Authors Pages
Review Essay: Bomber Harris, His Life and Times Peter W Gray 1-7
The Russian Air Force in Chechnya: Have Lessons Been Learnt and What are the Future Perspectives? J Takacs 8-27
Sun Tzu, Strategic Paralysis, and Small Nations Saridporn Soonthornkit 28-63
Air Operations Versus A Fielded Army: A Construct for Air Operations in the 21st Century ‘Goldie’ Haun 64-91
What was the Impact of the Luftwaffe’s ‘Tip and Run’ Bombing Attacks? Chris Goss 92-117
Air Power Taken to its Limits and Beyond: The Battle of Amiens Alfred Price 118-135
New Zealand’s Fast Jets Nick Lee-Frampton 136-149
‘The Transformation of American Air Power’ by Benjamin S Lambeth: A Review Essay John Andreas Olsen 150-157
Book Review: ‘Bao Ninh, The Sorrow of War: A Novel of North Vietnam’ John Andreas Olsen 158
Book Review: ‘Forgotten Victory: The First World War, Myths and Realities’ by Gary Sheffield Peter Gray 159
Book Review: ‘The Mind of War: John Boyd and American Security’ by Grant T Hammond Peter Gray 160
Book Review: ‘Moonless Night: The Second World War Escape Epic’ by B A ‘Jimmy’ James Royal Air Force 161
Book Review: ‘Bomber Barons’ by Chaz Bowyer Royal Air Force 162

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Why Study Air Power History? Peter W Gray 1-12
Precision Aerospace – Power, Discrimination and the Future of War Philip S Meilinger 13-27
Is There a Role for Air Power in the Post-Cold War World? Craig White 28-43
The Essence of Coercive Air Power: A Primer for Military Strategists Karl Mueller 44-57
Has Air Power Become the Decisive Factor in Joint Warfare? M R Stubbs 58-67
Deception Operations and Air Power Peter W Gray 68-81
‘Every Man a Tiger: The Gulf War Air Campaign’ by Tom Clancy with General (Retd) Chuck Horner: A Review Essay John Andreas Olsen 82-89
Book Review: ‘The Second World War in the East’ by H P Willmott John Andreas Olsen 90-91
Book Review: ‘Bomber Harris: His Life and Times’ by Henry Probert John Andreas Olsen 91
Book Review: ‘Luftwaffe Bomber Aces: Men, Machines, Methods’ by Mike Spick Royal Air Force 92

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
The Templer Lecture 2001 Peter Squire 1-13
Air Control: Reassessing the History James S Corum 14-35
The Myths of Air Control and the Realities of Imperial Policing Peter W Gray 36-51
The Messerschmitt 262 Jet Fighter: Missed Opportunity or Impossible Dream? Alfred Price 52-67
Myths of the Air War over Serbia: Some ‘Lessons’ Not Learned Grant T Hammond 68-81
The Implications of European Security and Defence Identity for Future Air Force Structure 2015-2030 R W Jones 82-97
Air Power 21: Challenges for the New Century John Andreas Olsen 98-107
Book Review: ‘Over Lord: General Pete Quesada and the Triumph of Tactical Air Power in World War II’ by Thomas Alexander Hughes Peter W Gray 108
Book Review: ‘The Trenchard Touch’ by Cyril Havard Peter W Gray 109
Book Review: ‘The Fall of Crete’ by Alan Clark David Caddick 110
‘Bomber Harris – His Life and Times’ – A preview by the author Henry Probert 111
Book Review: ‘The History of US Electronic Warfare Volume III’ by Alfred Price Royal Air Force 112

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Dresden 1945: Just Another Raid? Peter W Gray 1-15
USAF Aerospace-Power Doctrine: Decisive or Coercive? P Strickland 16-33
The Broader Implications of the Increasing Use of Precision Weapons Chris Finn 34-57
Can Europe Project Airpower Without the Support of the United States? K J Baldwin 58-81
An Analysis of the Provision of Future Cost-Effective Combat Air Power for the United Kingdom G T Bremer 82-109
Book Review: ‘Goering’ by Richard Overy Peter W Gray 110-111
Book Review: ‘Air Defence of Great Britain: Volume II, Growth of Fighter Command’ by T C G James Peter W Gray 111
Book Review: ‘The Hawker Hurricane’ by Francis K Mason Royal Air Force 112
Book Review: ‘Beyond the PPL: Putting the Fun and Skill Into Flying’ by Nigel Everett Royal Air Force 113
Book Review: ‘Hap Arnold and the Evolution of American Air Power’ by Dik Alan Daso Sebastian Cox 114-116
Book Review: ‘Inside Hitler’s High Command’ by Geoffrey Megargee Royal Air Force 116-118
Book Review: ‘Airfields and Airmen: Ypres’ by Mike O’Connor Royal Air Force 119
Book Review: ‘Winning in Fast Time: Create the Future with Prometheus’ by John Warden III and Leland A Russell John Andreas Olsen 120-125
Book Review: ‘Strategy, Air Strike and Small Nations’ by Shaun Clarke John Andreas Olsen 126-113

Air Power Review Volume 3 (2000)

Issue 4

Title Authors Pages
Air Power & Joint Doctrine: An RAF Perspective Peter W Gray 1-13
Logistics and The Battle of Britain Peter Dye 14-37
The Rise and Demise of the Stuka Alfred Price 38-53
Electronic Fire A J Coller 54-73
Cutting Through the Political Jungle: Eisenhower and Tedder as Allies and Friends, 1942-1945 Vincent Orange 74-85
The Argentine Gazette, Part 2 C P Brooks 86-107
Balloons, What Have They Ever Done for Us? The contribution of the balloon to the history of air power Alan Riches 108-123
Book Review: ‘Alanbrooke’ by David Fraser Peter W Gray 124
Book Review: ‘Wilfred Freeman: The Genius Behind Allied Survival and Air Supremacy 1939-1945’ by Anthony Furze Peter W Gray 125
Book Review: ‘The Luftwaffe Fighters’ Battle of Britain: The Inside Story: July-October 1940’ by Chris Goss and ‘The Luftwaffe Bombers’ Battle of Britain: The Inside Story: July-October 1940’ by Chris Goss Royal Air Force 126

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
Air Power in the Modern World: Myths and Challenges Peter W Gray 1-15
The Battle of Britain: so we already know the story? Peter W Gray 16-33
A Comparative Analysis of RAF and Luftwaffe Intelligence in the Battle of Britain, 1940 J S Cox 34-55
Cultivating Joint Commanders N J Newman 56-71
Manoeuvre Warfare and Air Power: the seven 'T's A J C Walters 72-95
Suppression of Enemy Air Defences D R Andrew 96-111
The Argentine Gazette, Part 1 C P Brooks 112-129
Book Review: ‘Douglas Haig, the Educated Soldier’ by John Terraine Peter W Gray 130-131
Book Review: ‘Behind the Battle: Intelligence in the War with Germany’ by Ralph Bennett Peter W Gray 131-132
Book Review: ‘Asymmetric Threats to British Military Intervention Operations’ by Sqn Ldr Nicholas J Newman David Caddick 132-133
Book Review: ‘Bloody Biscay’ by Chris Goss Royal Air Force 133
Book Review: ‘With Lawrence in the Royal Air Force’ by Paul Tunbridge M J Evans 134-135
Book Review: ‘Moon Tonight’ by Don Charlwood Royal Air Force 135
Book Review: ‘Albert Ball VC’ by Chaz Bowyer Royal Air Force 136
Book Review: ‘Naval Fighter Pilot: Lt Cdr R J Cork DSO DSc RN’ by A H Wren Royal Air Force 137
Book Review: ‘Clean Sweep: The Life of Air Marshal Sir Ivor Broom’ by Tony Spooner Royal Air Force 138

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
New Beginnings: The New NATO Structure and its Implications for Air Command and Control Gregory S Martin 1-5
Air Power or Aerospace Doctrine 2010? Peter W Gray 6-19
Downed Aircrew: Does their value to the military machine mean they should be recovered irrespective of the cost? C Reeves 20-37
The Seductive Promise of Air Power: Strategic Coercion in Vietnam and Beyond Duncan Bell 38-71
The Third Element: A UK Perspective on Information Warfare R M Poole 72-97
The Forgotten Aviators: The British Contribution To United Nations Air Power During The Korean War, 1950-1953 Philip Greville 98-117
Ten Strategic Factors For Those Who Aspire to Direct, Command and Control UK Military Power M J Harwood 118-127
Book Review: ‘The British Army – Manpower and Society into the Twenty-First Century’ Edited by Hew Strachan David Caddick 128
Book Review: ‘Air Power in the Age of Total War’ by John Buckley Peter Gray 129
Book Review: ‘Pursuit Through Darkened Skies: An Ace Night- Fighter Crew in World War II’ by Michael Allen DFC Royal Air Force 130
Book Review: ‘Test Pilots: A Treatise on Test Flying from the Very Earliest Days’ by Wolfgang Späte Royal Air Force 131
Book Review: ‘The B-17 Flying Fortress Story’ by Roger A Freeman with David Osborne Royal Air Force 132
Book Review: ‘With a Machine Gun to Cambrai: A Story of the First World War’ by George Coppard Royal Air Force 132
Book Review: ‘The Spitfire Story’ by Alfred Price Royal Air Force 133
Book Review: ‘Straight Down! The North American A-36 Dive- Bomber in Action’ by Peter C Smith Royal Air Force 134

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Sir Frederick Tymms Memorial Lecture to the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators at The Royal Aeronautical Society on 21 September 1999 Richard Johns 1-15
Air Operations for Strategic Effect: theory and practice in Kosovo Peter W Gray 16-31
Doctrine Not Dogma: Lessons from the Past Richard Overy 32-47
The Future of Airpower: Observations from the Past Decade Philip S Meilinger 48-69
The Future of Airpower? John Thomas 70-81
To Sea or Not To Sea: That is the Question Neil Meadows 82-107
Target Berlin Alfred Price 108-123
Book Review: ‘The Balkans 1804-1999, Nationalism, War and the Great Powers’ by Misha Glenny Peter Gray 132-133
Book review: ‘Operation Deliberate Force: The UN and NATO in Bosnia 1995’ by Tim Ripley Peter Gray 132-133
Book Review: ‘America’s Pursuit of Precision Bombing, 1910-1945’ by Stephen McFarland Christina Goulter 133-134
Book Review: ‘Air Power at the Battlefront: Allied Close Air Support in Europe, 1943-45’ by Ian Gooderson Christina Goulter 135
Book Review: ‘Road to Berlin: The Allied Drive from Normandy’ by George Forty Royal Air Force 136
Book Review: ‘Flights into the Night: Reminiscences of a World War II RAF Wellington Pilot’ by L Anthony Leicester Royal Air Force 137
Book Review: ‘Fighter Command War Diaries: Volume 3: January 1942 to June 1943’ by John Foreman Royal Air Force 138
Book Review: ‘Military Mavericks: Extraordinary Men of Battle’ by David Rooney Royal Air Force 139
Book Review: ‘Beaufighter – in Focus: Photographic History of the Bristol Beaufighter’ by Simon W Parry Royal Air Force 140
Book Review: ‘Shooting Star – in Focus: Photographic History of the Lockheed F-80/T33 Series’ by Chris Ellis Royal Air Force 140
Book Review: ‘Kampfgeschwader 55 – in Focus: Photographic History of a Luftwaffe Bomber Unit’ by Steve Hall and Lionel Quinlan Royal Air Force 141

Air Power Review Volume 2 (1999)

Issue 4

Title Authors Pages
Kosovo Victory: A Commander's Perspective John Jumper 1-10
Targeting: Air Power’s Options Andy Walters 12-25
Aerospace and Landpower in Peace Operations: Toward a New Basis for Synergy Robert C Owen 27-47
To Kill a Stalking Bird: Part Two David R Mets 48-67
The Use of Force to Prevent a Humanitarian Disaster Bill Boothby 68-75
The Hard Stone: An Account of the Rise of Arthur William Tedder Vincent Orange 77-87
Sledge Hammer to Crack a Nut? Does air power have the accuracy to make it an effective tool against international terrorism? Carl Scott 89-95
Next Mission Unmanned: The Human Factor A Nouguier 96-118
Strategic Bombing: A Shibboleth? Phil Harrall 121-135
Book Review: ‘Straight Down: The A-36 Dive-Bomber in Action’ by Peter C Smith Royal Air Force 136
Book Review: ‘Night Flyer: The Success Story of RAF 100 Group Mosquitos Over the German Night Fighters’ by Lewis Brandon DSO DFS and Bar Royal Air Force 137
Book Review: ‘British Air Power Doctrine: AP3000: Third Edition’ Royal Air Force 138
Book Review: ‘Only Owls and Bloody Fools Fly at Night’ by Group Captain Tom Sawyer DFC Royal Air Force 139
Book Review: ‘Wing Leader’ by Air Vice-Marshal ‘Johnnie’ Johnson Royal Air Force 139
Book Review: ‘Brassey’s World Aircraft & Systems Directory 1999/2000’ Edited by Michael J H Taylor Royal Air Force 140

Issue 3

Title Authors Pages
To Kill a Stalking Bird: Fodder for your Professional Reading on Air and Space Superiority David R Mets 1-23
Boeing E3D Sentry AEW Mk 1: The Future Rob O’Dell 25-39
The Revolution in Military Affairs: Panacea or Myth? David Caddick 40-63
Aerial Coercion: What Does it Mean and Can it Work? Deb Barber 65-75
Leigh-Mallory: To what extent did doctrinal and personal functions limit the effectiveness of joint high command and air-land co-operation? S Cowlan 77-90
The Reserve Air Forces in the New Millennium F A Freeman 93-103
Heaven and Hell and the RAF N B Spiller 104-115
Book Review: ‘Sigh for a Merlin: Testing the Spitfire’ by Alex Henshaw Royal Air Force 116
Book Review: ‘Action Stations Revisited: 1 Eastern England’ by Michael J F Bowyer Royal Air Force 117
Book Review: ‘The Fighters’ Battle: Personal Accounts of the Battle of Britain by Luftwaffe Fighter Crews July-October 1940’ and ‘The Bombers’ Battle: Personal Accounts of the Battle of Britain by Luftwaffe Bomber Crews July-October 1940’ by Chris Goss Royal Air Force 118
Book Review: ‘The Second World War in the West’ by Chris Messenger Royal Air Force 119
Book Review: ‘The Wars of the Ancient Greeks’ by Victor Davis Hanson Royal Air Force 119
Book Review: ‘Five Up: A Chronicle of Five Lives’ by Laddie Lucas Royal Air Force 120
Book Review: ‘Who Was Who in the Second World War’ by Edward Davidson and Dale Manning Royal Air Force 121
Book Review: ‘Cavalry: The History of a Fighting Elite 650BC – AD1914’ by Velimir Vuksic and Dr Zvonimir Grbasic Royal Air Force 121

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
High Noon of Air Power Alan Stephens 1-23
Muddying the Waters (littorally speaking): Rethinking Coastal ASW Keith Edmunds, Paul Smedley 24-37
Air-to-Air, Blue-on-Blue: A Preliminary Study of Air-to-Air Fratricide Incidents Involving Royal Air Force Aircraft During the Second World War Chris Hobson 38-59
Boyd Loops, Ace Factors and Fighter Combat Simon Anglim 61-89
Boeing E-3 Sentry: Variants and Capabilities Rob O’Dell 91-105
Battle of Britain Day, 15th September 1940 Alfred Price 107-125
Air Power and Joint Warfare – Time to Reflect J W Erskine 126-135
Book Review: ‘Flying Without Wings: Before the space shuttle: testing NASA’s wingless aircraft’ by Milton O Thompson and Curtis Peebles Royal Air Force 136
Book Review: ‘Royal Air Force Yearbook’ by Ben Donnell Royal Air Force 136
Book Review: ‘Nine Lives’ by Air Commodore Alan C Deere Royal Air Force 137
Book Review: ‘Test Pilots: A Treatise on Test Flying from the Very Earliest Days to the Jet’ by Wolfgang Späte Royal Air Force 137

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Precision Weapons: Considerations for their Employment (or what the Weapons Manual Doesn’t Tell You!) Greg Bagwell 1-14
Combat Assessment: Completing the Cycle R M Poole 17-25
Forcing the Peace C M Scott 26-38
Operational Analysis: Should We Bother? Simon Young 40-65
Short Wars and Cybernetics Ian Bellamy 66-78
Logistics and Air Power: A Failure in Doctrine? Peter Dye 80-90
The Air War on Cocaine M Brzezicki 92-124
Book Review: ‘One Airman’s War: Aircraft Mechanic Joe Bull’s Personal Diaries 1916-1919’ Edited by Mark Lax Chris Hobson 126

Air Power Review Volume 1 (1998)

Issue 2

Title Authors Pages
A Need for European Air Power Timothy Garden 1-10
The Militarisation of Space: How Can the US Justify the Colossal Costs? Mike McLean 12-32
The Vietnam War, 1964-1973 Bernard Metz 34-41
The Royal Flying Corps Logistic Organisation Peter Dye 42-58
Air Combat and Historical Analysis: An Example from the Battle of Britain Ian Gooderson 60-73
Sapper Support: An Army Contribution to RAF Jointery Alan Macklin 74-75
The Arab Israeli Wars John Rigby 76-84
Centralised Command and Control, Decentralised Execution: What Does this Mean? Tom McWilliams 86-93
Book Review: ‘The Strategic Air War Against Germany, 1939-1945: The Official Report of the British Bombing Survey Unit’ Royal Air Force 94-95
Book Review: ‘Over & Out: A History of Royal Air Force Locking Told by the People Who Served’ Royal Air Force 95
Book Review: ‘Brassey’s World Aircraft & Systems Directory 1998/99’, Edited by Michael Taylor Royal Air Force 96
Book Review: ‘Splash One: The Story of Jet Combat’ by Ivan Rendall Royal Air Force 96

Issue 1

Title Authors Pages
Back to the Future? The Case for Environmental Doctrine for Air Power Stuart Peach 1-15
Purple Air Power: The Future Challenge Andrew Vallance 16-26
The Future of Air Power: Concepts of Operations Tony Mason 28-42
The Shape of Future War Philip Sabin 44-57
Countering Aerodynamic and Ballistic Missiles: Extended Integrated Air-Defence David Gates 58-70
Eighty Years of Service: A History of the Royal Air Force, 1918-1998 Chris Hobson 72-85
The March Retreat of 1918: The Last Battle of the Royal Flying Corps Peter Daybell 86-101
An Insecure Peace, 1947-1949 John Curtiss 103-108